Chick-Fil-A Biscuit Sales Purpose: to decrease the amount of fees for dancers in regards to miscellaneous fees. When: Every Friday from 8:30am-9:20am Parents would need to arrive at 8:30am to set up the biscuit stand outside of the cafeteria. Parents will help to sell biscuits with coach until morning announcements OR until we sell out, which ever comes first! Official start date will be communicated very soon. We need 100% parent involvement Games Providing Snacks Helping with the Biscuit Sales Competition and etc.
Ms. Earlyce Nabritt Head coach Ms. Brittani Moore Choreographer Ms. Jamarla Johnson Grade Patrol/Support Ms. Alex Lindsay Behavior/Support Ms. Diana Hibbert Management/Support
Behavior Contract Grade Report Sheet Dance Team Policy Parent Collaboration
Basketball Schedule Pep Rally ?? Talent Show Competition We may have other engagements: TBA
We practice every Monday and Wednesday from 4:30-6:30pm in the front foyer. We will announce if a practice is cancelled. If practice falls on an early release day or student holiday we will NOT have practice.
Xtreme Jacket35
JAZZ they are child to 2X ( not sure about the material compared to the tops will have to check the %)
CAPEZIO " E" SERIES JAZZ Discount Dance Supply GO GIRL POST EARRINGS 7.95 (come in clips as well)
H DENIER NYLON 23 with 1 color embroidered team logo as shown Additional 4.75 for individual name OTHER SHIRTS A regular T- shirt with design
Jacket – screen print and embroidery Bag –embroidery Team shirt –screen print
Grand Total Jacket Pants Shoes Earrings Performance top Shirt Bag Shipping and Handling (estimate) Embroidery and screen print (estimate)
Oct. 9 th - 1 st payment of Oct. 23 rd - 2 nd payment of Nov. 6 th - 3 rd payment of 87.50