labour market overview firms post job offers (i.e, wages) one offer at a time per firm a worker can accept at most one job offer labour market 9A Playground for Decisions 9
firm’s screen value of next worker hired 9 labour market 9A Playground for Decisions 9
firm’s screen wages offers accepted this round 9 labour market 9A Playground for Decisions 9
firm’s screen highest current offers 9 labour market 9A Playground for Decisions 9
firm’s screen choose a wage 9 labour market 9A Playground for Decisions 9
firm’s screen press to make offer at indicated wage 9 labour market 9A Playground for Decisions 9
firm’s screen so far, this round 9 labour market 9A Playground for Decisions 9
worker’s screen what you give up by accepting a job 9 labour market 9A Playground for Decisions 9
worker’s screen highest current offers 9 labour market 9A Playground for Decisions 9
worker’s screen press to accept highest current offer 9 labour market 9A Playground for Decisions 9
worker’s screen wage offers accepted this round 9 labour market 9A Playground for Decisions 9
labour market happy playing! firm payoffs worker payoffs from each hire: payoff = Revenue from Worker – wage entire round: sum of payoffs from each hire worker payoffs accepts a job: payoff = wage does not accept a job: payoff = Stay Home Value + Unemployment Insurance happy playing! labour market 9A Playground for Decisions 9