BTEC Unit 6; Cultural Diversity in H.S.C Learning Outcomes 1. Know diversity of individuals in society 2. Understand beliefs and practices in different religious or secular groups 3. Understand factors that influence the equality of opportunity for individuals in society 4. Know the role of legislation, codes of practice and charters in promoting diversity
Update a display on Diversity Assignment 1; P1 Update a display on Diversity Scenario: Imagine that you are a teacher and you have been asked by the head teacher to update a display on diversity in society. Task: Produce a poster showing the wide variety of influences in society that help produce the wide variety of individuals living in our multicultural society. (Keep it bright, eye catching and lots of pictures)
Assignment 2; P2, M1, Produce a handout Task Group presentation: Scenario: You work in a hospital and you have been asked to run a training session for nurses to help them understand the beliefs and practises of two religious and secular groups. This will enable them to understand equal opportunity and diversity Task Group presentation: Pick 2 different religions. Explain the beliefs from these 2 different groups. List all the similarities and differences. Must include; (Beliefs, festivals, holy days, food, dress, symbols and attitudes to health and medicine) 5. Now present your research findings to the class.
Deliver a workshop on equal opportunities Assignment 3; P3, M2, D1 Deliver a workshop on equal opportunities Task 1; List all the things that have an effect on equality in society ( Race, sex, age, education, money etc) Find the definition of the key words How does the media have an impact on society’s attitude to equality? Task 2; Make a booklet for nursery staff explaining what to do to ensure their nursery promotes equality within the workplace. Suggest activities and resources to promote equality. You must include; (Ethnicity, Religious Beliefs, Gender, Family Structure and Disabilities)
Assignment 3; P3, M2, D1 Task 3; What are the roles of the employer to ensure all people are treated fairly? What are roles of the employee to ensure all people are treated fairly? What things could help to promote good/equal relationships between everyone in a workplace including service users? Task 4; 1. Imagine you were treated unfairly by your boss, describe how this would effect you; 2. Physically? Intellectually? Emotionally? And social effects? How can discrimination lead to abuse of somebody? (think of how some people may be treated unfairly because of their nationality, age or gender etc)
Assignment 4; P4, M3, D2 Produce a poster Task 1; Look up what a charter means? Why do companies have to have a code of conduct? Look up what the role of the general social care council is? Task 2; Produce a poster explaining the main points of one of the following? (The Disability Discrimination Act, The Human Rights Act, The Children's Act) Info you must include on your poster; How does this legislation promote diversity?
Assignment 4; P4, M3, D2 Analysis of statement Task 1; Put your self in Mrs. Ferris’s shoes…how would following these standards ensure that all her needs were met? Read the code of conduct…how well does this promote diversity? Write a report about what you find from the case study. Use the list of websites to help you put yourself in someone else's shoes.