1 Timothy 5:3-16 1 Timothy 5:17-25 WIDOWS ELDERS
Review Bishop - έπίσκοπος Elder - πρέσβύτερος Some overlap 1 Timothy 5:3-16 generally older women 5:17-25 generally older men
Elders and Honor Elders and Sin [Dishonor] 1 Timothy 5:17-25 Elders and Honor Elders and Sin [Dishonor]
I. Elders and Honor 17, 18 Two types of elder 1. teaching elders 2. ruling elders Double honor for teaching elders 18
II. Elders and Sin [Dishonor] 19-25 Theme of sin Charges of sin and Elders 19-21 Receiving charges 19 Charges found true 20 Charge to fairly and impartially handle charges 21 Warning about sin from hasty choice of elders Warning about hasty choice of elders and sin 22 Aside – a little wine is not sin 23 Be careful - time reveals sin and good works 24,25
Applications Elders in Baptist Churches … Honor for teaching elders… Prayerfully and carefully make choices for church leadership. Don’t judge those who use a little wine for their stomach. Time and patience makes the truth evident.