Invention/ Inventor Project The first Automobile By: Avaya Holmes
Meet the inventor My invention is the first automobile made by Nicolas Cugnot. In the 15th century Leonardo da Vinci was creating designs and models for transport vehicles. This was made in 1769 Nicolas Cugnot made a steam Automobile His invention lead to the electric Automobile and his lead to Carl Bentz in 1885 made the first real Automobile This invention had three wheels and went 2.5 mph and could not fit Passengers.
Overall Idea This invention has changed peoples life all around the world. Thanks to Nicolas Cugnot if people wanted two go some were far no more horses. Just a car, not like the ones we have today they had a steam power car not a car that runs on gasoline. Now imagine not having a car to ride and have to walk or ride horses how does it make you feel . This was in very good idea don’t you think next time you see a car remember Nicolas.
Picture time!!!!! Say cheese