By Gabi , Philip, and William The Great Wall of China By Gabi , Philip, and William
Purpose of the Wall To keep out Nomadic invasions Majority of the existing wall was built during the Ming Dynasty Also helped out with the silk trade
很酷 Facts Over 1 million people died building the Great Wall of China Contrary to popular belief, the great wall cannot actually be seen by the naked eye from space. Rice flour has been used as a form of cement for the great wall since the Qin dynasty (221-207 B.C.) Although the official length of the great wall is 5,500 miles, the length of all the great wall built over thousands of years is estimated to be about 13,170 miles! (thats over half the circumference of the earth!)
More 很酷 Facts The widest section of the great wall is 30 feet, and the highest point is 26 feet! The earlier sections of the wall were made up of stone, wood and earth, whereas the more recent sections are made up of stone and brick. The great wall is the longest structure ever built by humans.