English 1 - September 10th Dystopia Notes Tech Posters Poster Share Agenda: Dystopia Notes Tech Posters Poster Share Homework You Will Need: Notebook or 2 pieces of paper Writing implement Scratch paper (not in notebook) Homework Agenda
Notes Set Up Copy the following at the top of the page Name, Class (English 1 Cluster) and Date Topic: Dystopia Essential Question: What are some ways authors use fiction to criticize their world?
Dystopia Combination Word Dysfunctional - having serious problems that keep things from working Utopia - A perfect society Dystopia - A society that is supposed to be perfect, but has serious problems
Dystopian Fiction A type of science fiction Creates a society that has solved a specific problem The solution to that problem creates more, possibly worse problems Examples: See your classmates for the examples your class used.
Sources of Dystopia Something that worries the author about what might happen next Current events New laws or government New technology
Technology Today See your classmates for the list of examples.
Tech Posters Get out a piece of scratch paper. Create a rough draft a poster featuring the pros and cons of this technology (model). Create your movie slogan starting with “In a world…” Show your rough draft to Ms. Gillette to receive paper and colors.
Poster Share Find one other person with a different technology from you. Find another pair with at least one different technology to form a group of 4. Find a place to sit and share your posters. Write down everyone’s “In World…” slogan
Homework - Due September 14th Take one of the technologies from the posters. Starting with the “In a world” slogan, describe in detail a world ruined by that technology. Write it in your notebook, 1 page minimum.