ROMANIA! “Buna!” = Hola!
Romania is a country in Europe
Where in Europe is Romania?
Romania is small compared to the United States US: 300M people Romania is small compared to the United States Romania: 22M people
Some Facts About Romania Origins of People: Rome in 3rd Century Languange: Romanian (similar to Spanish) Romance Language, like Latin-based languages 500,000 Romanian-Americans Money: $3 = 1 Leu Poor but getting richer (we make 6x as much in the US) Republic – people can vote now! Home of the Gypsies
Daily Life Work – farming, manufacturing, woodworking School – Kindergarten at 6, graduate at 16 years old
Romanian Folk Dances
Sports Sports – soccer, gymnastics, and others
Food Food – From Turkey, Germany, Serbia, Hungary Mămăligă – corn porridge Ciorbă – sour meat and vegetable soup Meat & Cheese – starter meal Meat rolls called ‘Mici’ Grocery store in Romania Bread roll with a filling traditional for Easter Desert "Cozonac" Romanian Christmas pudding
Transylvania is a region in Romania Vlad Tepes – DRACULA! Hallowe’en Vampire Fun!
La revedere, multumesc! = Adios y gracias!