Market Revolution
Move towards industry Away from agrarian ideal More toward building on mass scale
US Market Expands Economy grew exponentially Free enterprise entrepreneurs
Invention and Improvements Transformation of manufacturing New transportation communication
Invention and Improvements Samuel Morse creates the Telegraph 23,000 miles of telegraph wire
Invention and Improvements Steam boat Canals: 3,300 miles by 1840 Erie Canal Railroad: 9,000 miles by 1850
Transforming a nation 14% of Americans worked in manufacturing Better, cheaper goods Midwest settled and farmed John Deere steel plow
Government Help General incorporation law 2 court cases struck down monopolies Encourage competition Helped with roads, canals, bonds to back railroad
Changing workplace Production in factories Created new communities Most along waterways Created new communities Changed employee, employer relations
Lowell Textile Mills Lowell, Massachusetts Booming enterprise Female labor, in order to pay less Conditions worsened
Seeking better conditions Strikes 15% wage cut, Lowell Strike Criticized by press and clergy Replace unskilled workers easily
Immigration increase 3 million in 9 years 1 million were Irish Prejudices faced
National Trade Union Trade unions in towns joined Journeymen's organizations National Trade Union Commonwealth v. Hunt