NORTH AMERICAN COLONIES Slavery Mayas Aztecs Conquistadors Indentured Servant
Use the image on the next slide to answer the following questions: Essential Question: Compare & contrast the Spanish, French, Dutch, & British colonies in North America? Warm-Up Question: Use the image on the next slide to answer the following questions: What was the main idea of the Age of Exploration? What motivated explorers during this time period? Lesson Plan for Wednesday, August 12, 2009: Quick warm-up to determine what students remember from WH (5 minutes)
What was the Age of Exploration? (1) What was the main idea of the Age of Exploration? (2) What motivated explorers during this time?
Colonial Settlement Group Activity Before we begin today’s activity, let’s review some key ideas from world history that impacted North America: The motivation & means of explorers during the Age of Exploration Key settlement area of the Spanish, French, Dutch, & British colonists Review key ideas with students to help them understand the context for the activity: When did this happen, why did exploration occur, how did we get to the point where Europeans were settling in large numbers in North America? (5 minutes max—this review is to be quick, students will not have to take notes today. They will do it tomorrow).
Motivation & Means of Exploration Better ships (caravels) Better navigation tools: Astrolabe & sextant Magnetic compass Maps with longitude & latitude Key Motivation of Explorers: A search for new knowledge (Renaissance) The 3 “Gs”: GOLD: A desire for wealth, new markets for trade, a desire to escape poverty in Europe GLORY: A desire by European kings to develop large overseas empires or for individual explorers to make a name for themselves GOD: A desire by European Christians (Catholics) to convert people to their faith
Four Key Explorers
This exploration led to colonies by European countries: Your task today is to figure out why the Spanish, French, Dutch, & British colonies were founded & what they were like
Colonial Settlement Group Activity Working in groups of 4, you will serve as historical anthropologists trying to find out about various European settlements Examine the various artifacts at each of the 7settlement you visit & try to answer these questions: Why was each settlement founded? What was the economic & political system of each settlement? How did they interact with Indians? What was important to each group? Begin the activity. The room should have 9 stations each with their appropriate artifacts. Students should need 3-4 minutes at each station to complete their assignment. Student groups can collectively examine artifacts or students can each take one artifact and generate conclusions which they will then discuss with their team. All students in the team should have the same notes from each station, although different groups may make different conclusions about each artifact. The key idea is to get the students to use inquiry to generate their own conclusions. The teacher may need to model this before the class begins the activity.
Colonial Settlement Group Activity Concluding Activities: When finished, use the information you just gathered to answer the 4 discussion questions below the chart & be prepared to discuss. This section of the assignment may need to be HW for the next day.