T O B E I NFORMED Consumers should be given the facts needed to make informed choices and can be protected from unfair or misleading advertising, labeling, or sales practices. Consumers should compare and evaluate information on brands in models of products. RightResponsibility
T O C HOOSE Consumers should have access to a variety of goods and services at competitive prices. Consumers should shop around to compare prices and products in order to find the best product or service at the best price. RightResponsibility
T O B E S AFE Consumers should be protected against goods that are hazardous to life or health. Consumer should follow instructions on package labels to safeguard themselves, others, and the environment. RightResponsibility
T O B E H EARD Consumers should be assured that their interests will be considered in the making of laws which might affect them. Consumers should express their opinions about businesses and their products. RightResponsibility
T O A R EMEDY Consumers should be entitled to quick, fair remedies for consumer problems. Consumer should seek correction for products or services that are defective or do not perform as stated. RightResponsibility
T O L EARN C ONSUMER S KILLS Consumer should be taught how to use the rights and responsibilities to the greatest satisfaction for the money. Consumer should understand where to find information on learning consumer skills and should follow these tips: Read information on labels Compare prices Consult media for awareness of illegal practices Use consumer information publications Attend sessions on consumer issues RightResponsibility
R EVIEW An automaker recalls its new model after some of its seat belts fail to keep children safe A restaurant as you to fill out a comment card after eating your meal An advertisement for a new TV informs the consumer about the total cost and interest rate An electronics store displays three competing brands of computers from which to choose A shoe store replaces your new shoes after you discover a problem with the soles Consumer Reports educates consumers who are researching different models of cameras