Comp. II Feb. 6, 2018
Agenda for Today, Feb. 6, 2018 During Announcements: Check your feedback on the following: Literacy Narrative (DG 1) Reader Responses (DG 2 and 3). Please note that if you did not turn in an assignment until this morning, it has not yet been graded. Also please note that if you did not turn in the Chapter 10 Outline, then your Literacy Narrative has not yet been graded and will not be graded until you turn in the Chapter 10 outline. We will discuss your responses to Welty’s “A Visit of Charity.” Then we will look at the requirements and suggested process for your first major paper. Then you will have the rest of the class period to revise your Literacy Narrative.
“A Visit of Charity” Word Choice (Diction) Symbolism Consideration of Time Period Theme Purpose / Issue Addressed: Connect to real life
Literary Interpretation (Paper I) Think ahead. Read “Course Requirements and Evaluation” (Syllabus) Choose wisely.
Think Ahead Think of an issue that is in someway prevalent in society today. Broad ideas include: Women’s issues Men’s issues Racial issues Healthcare Politics Economy Cultural Issues Keep in mind that these are broad issues. The issue you choose for the final paper will need to be more specific, but this is a starting point to build on.
Literary Interpretation (Paper I) Writing Project 1: Literary Interpretation (3-5 pages). This essay will focus on a close reading of one or more selected pieces of literature from our text. Due early in the semester (20% of final grade).
Selected Text Options for Paper 1
What do I do with those selected texts? Research each one. Scan read each one. Narrow your focus to the one that might fit best with an issue you are interested in. If none of them seem to fit an issue you are interested in, then just pick the one you think is going to be the most entertaining to deal with. Remember that you can choose more than one, which may help with reaching the required pages (3-5 PLUS A WORKS CITED PAGE).
Literacy Narrative Revision You have the rest of class to work on this. It is not due until 4 p.m. today. There will be ten points counted of each day it is late. When you finis, begin researching, scanning, and reading the selected text for Paper 1.
Homework Research, scan, and zero-in on one or two selected texts. Be prepared to discuss these aloud in class when we see each other on Thursday.