Behavior Topic-Aggression, Overview – Cats Topic-Housesoiling – Cats Figure 1. Topic-Aggression, Overview – Dogs Figure 1. Fear-motivated aggression. Dog retreated under a chair in a veterinary exam room when approached by an unfamiliar person (the veterinarian). Note the dog’s crouched posture (head down, eyes wide, forelimb raised, tail tucked, spine in “C” curve perpendicular to the person). When reached for, the Dog growled. Topic-Fears, Phobias, and Anxieties – Cats Figure 1. Psychogenic alopecia or overgrooming can be linked to environmental stress. This cat joined a household with two other cats and a large dog, and began pulling out fur from her back and legs. As she grew more accustomed to the household, the behavior decreased. Photo courtesy of Dr. Leslie Larson Cooper Topic-Housesoiling – Cats Figure 1. Litter aversion. This cat backed into the covered litter box to urinate, positioning all 4 feet on the litter box, thereby avoiding both physical contact with unacceptable litter and avoiding entry into the covered litter box. When offered unscented, clumping litter in a plain uncovered litter box in the same location, the cat stopped house-soiling and resumed litter box use, including digging and elimination.
Behavior Topic-Aggression, Overview - Cats Figure 1.
Behavior Topic-Aggression, Overview - Dogs Figure 1. Fear-motivated aggression. Dog retreated under a chair in a veterinary exam room when approached by an unfamiliar person (the veterinarian). Note the dog’s crouched posture (head down, eyes wide, forelimb raised, tail tucked, spine in “C” curve perpendicular to the person). When reached for, the dog growled.
Behavior Topic-Fears, Phobias, and Anxieties - Cats Figure 1. Psychogenic alopecia or overgrooming can be linked to environmental stress. This cat joined a household with two other cats and a large dog, and began pulling out fur from her back and legs. As she grew more accustomed to the household, the behavior decreased. Photo courtesy of Dr. Leslie Larson Cooper
Behavior Topic-Aggression, Overview—Cats Figure 1. Litter aversion. This cat backed into the covered litter box to urinate, positioning all 4 feet on the litter box, thereby avoiding both physical contact with unacceptable litter and avoiding entry into the covered litter box. When offered unscented, clumping litter in a plain uncovered litter box in the same location, the cat stopped house-soiling and resumed litter box use, including digging and elimination.