Dress for Success!
Appearance Says It All Appearance is a reflection of oneself and attention to detail. How you are dressed will make up 80 % of an opinion because it will be formed before you even open your mouth. - At Ease, Inc.
Suggestions for Men Attire for Men include: Suits Shirts Ties Belts Shoes Accessories
Suit Colors and Styles Some basic colors and styles include: Navy or Gray Solids Plaids or Stripes Double or Single breasted
Shirt Colors and Styles When choosing shirts: Long Sleeve White 100 % cotton ALWAYS STARCHED AND IRONED UNDERSHIRT
Ties Look for ties that are: Updated Three inches in width Barely touch top of belt buckle
Belts Belts should: Black or Burgundy Leather to match your shoes Wear at natural waist
Shoes/Socks Shoes: Clean and polished Wing-tips Tasseled Loafers Socks should blend with pants and should cover the calf
Shoes/Socks X X
Unacceptable Mens Shoes Anything Between The Toe Athletic Shoes (including black) Boots of Any Kind Motorcycle/Combat Boots Fuzzy Winter Boots Cowboy Boots
Unacceptable Mens Shoes
Unacceptable Shirts
Unacceptable Mens Pants
Tattoos Covered or hidden X X
Males: Button down shirt and dress slacks, belt, and dress shoes. Neckties and sport coats are optional but may be appropriate depending on the event that the student is competing in. Appropriate Dress
-- or Official BPA Dress: Navy blazer, white dress shirt, burgundy tie, khaki or navy dress pants, and dress shoes.