The reason for day and night By Anna barrett Stories of space: The reason for day and night By Anna barrett
Long ago, when space was new, some stars that didn’t have planets near them felt lonely. So one day they gathered, and six adult stars came forward. They harnessed their Starlight Power into their arms and formed a circle. When their arms touched, there was a blinding flash. Everyone looked away painfully. When they could look in comfort, a blue and green planet hovered above the circle. “Earth.” the community whispered in unison. From all the Starlight Power transferred into Earth, he became the most powerful planet in the universe. But despite being the most powerful planet in the universe, Earth sometimes got lonely. So the children stars came together and made Moon. Like most of the children, Moon was rowdy. But there was one star that was extremely quiet. As a result, Moon possessed this habit. Moon and Earth became good friends. Many days later, the rumor that new planets were being born had passed to Planet 9. He wanted to try. So he came over and asked the stars if he could make a planet. “ Well, of course!” said one star cheerfully. “ The more, the merrier!” encouraged another. Planet 9 smiled. Then he blew his icy breath into the air and…… Sun was born.
Sun was black, lazy, and cold Sun was black, lazy, and cold. From the moment he was seen by Earth, he muttered, “No, no, no.” Planet 9, who was very sensitive, whimpered, “You – you don’t like him?” Knowing Planet 9 was about to cry, Earth knew he had to do something. “It’s not your fault, it’s just how he was born.” he consoled, never taking his eyes off Sun. “Sniff. Okay.” said Planet 9. Then he turned and went home. Earth greatly disliked Sun. Every day, Earth would come back home from a successful day full of saving planets and banishing asteroids, when he remembered… Sun was there. Every day, when he saw Sun, he would scowl. Every day when he scowled, Moon would say, “Don’t be like that.” One day, Earth finally had enough of Sun. He devoted almost all his power to fixing him. Earth went over and rose his arms and shot an orange and yellow beam at Sun. Sun, not taking the slightest notice said, “ Uhhhh… doy. Then there was a “CRACK!” that split the silence. Then, with no warning whatsoever……… Sun burst into flames! Shades of red, orange, and yellow flashed in the darkness of space. It was beautiful, except for one thing……. Sun was screaming like mad. “ Ahhhhh!” he cried. “What have you done to me? Why have you done to me? I mean, why have you what to me? I mean, ahhh!” Earth shook his head. “Oh, poor, poor Sun.” he chuckled. “ If only you knew.” Then he turned and floated away.
For days, stars teased and tormented Sun. “Hey Sun. ” one snickered For days, stars teased and tormented Sun. “Hey Sun!” one snickered. “Why are you panting? Are you a dog?” Sun almost cried. “Guys!” another yelled. “Get the marshmallows! We’ve got a fire!” Sun shed a tear. Finally, Sun could take it no more. He rushed over to Earth. “Get this spell off me! NOW! he shrieked. “The spell cannot be reversed. But I can call all the other planets to revolve around you to make wind to cool you down.” said Earth calmly. So he did. When he did, Sun felt a little bit better. One day, Earth noticed as he was revolving that the people on him could not sleep with the light. So Earth started revolving and rotating. This made part of him shady so some people could sleep.
Remember Sun means “The Foolish” in Starnese. Remember Sun’s foolishness and do not bear it against yourself.
Scientific reason We actually have day and night because the Earth turns giving us more or less sunlight. In this story, Earth places a heat spell on Sun. Earth calls all the planets to cool him down. Earth sees that the people on him are unable to sleep with the sunlight, so he starts rotating and revolving. It is more or less the same as real life because Earth is turning, making half the Earth dark so half the people on Earth can sleep. This is why we have day and night.