FLASH is the Future for CPLDs XC9500 - New ISP Evolution 1st Generation ISP FLASH for ISP: - New Technology Driver - 1/3 cell size of EEPROM - Supported by Multiple Foundries - excellent product availability - Lower cost FLASH EEPROM Early 80’s Today 2000 Time 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Millions of US Dollars FLASH EEPROM Source: Dataquest (May 1996) Memory Shipments: - Large FLASH growth to 2000 and beyond - EEPROM flat 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2000 M$ $8B EEPROM technology, the present 10+ year old workhorse technology for most all CPLD products, is fast becoming a fully mature process making further density-based enhancements exponentially more difficult that previous densities (note the difficulty Altera has had releasing their MAX7128S product migration to production at only 0.5µ!). Add this to the present foundry plans of flat EEPROM capacity commitments and you can now can realize that EEPROM based products will not be optimized for future product performance, availability or cost. Bottom line, if you are not designing CPLDs in FLASH now, you’re falling farther and farther behind the curve. FLASH, on the other hand, is clearly the technology that is driving all new silicon foundries and, as a result, will provide customers with the best performance, simplest technology migration paths to smaller geometries (down to .18µ), and excellent cost reductions. FLASH is new, has the attributes required to support a leadership product well into the early 2000s. That’s why Xilinx chose FLASH for the XC9500 and, as a result, provides that extra technology required to address the needs of the growing ISP CPLD marketplace. 1
Why Not EEPROM Technology? FastFLASH Cell Typical E2 CPLD Cell S1 3X Routing Switches Source S2 Data S1 S3 Control Word Line Since most all the other CPLD manufacturers build their devices in EEPROM, many of our customers will ask “Why didn’t you do what the other leading CPLD manufacturers are doing?”. As explained earlier, EEPROM is near the end of life cycle while FLASH is the chosen technology by AMD, Intel and most every new silicon foundry. Key to this difference is cell size. Cell size comparisons show a FLASH CPLD cell 67% smaller than the same EEPROM CPLD cell. Since utilization with pin-locking is extremely critical for ISP CPLD users, this means Xilinx can put 3 times the number of routing switches in the same space as 1 EEPROM cell. Smaller is always better, making for significant improvements in pin-locking, performance and cost. And with FLASH comes the added benefit of improved endurance, or reprogramming. Product benefits due to 67% smaller FLASH cell More routing switches in the same area supports pinlocking Lower parasitic capacitance improves performance Long term cost improvements due to scalability 2
FLASH Technology Enables Rapid Die Size Reduction 1996 0.6µ 2Q98 0.5µ* 5v 2H98 0.35µ 3.3v 2H99 0.25µ 3.3v/2.5v The simple geometry migration inherent with FLASH enables a direct path from the present 0.6µ directly to 0.5µ, quickly to 0.35µ, followed by 0.25µ by 1999. This results in significant performance improvements and cost reductions for our CPLD customers. KEY POINT: Note the die shrink from 0.6µ to 0.35µ, an excellent 65% reduction in die size! 1.0 .5 .35 .26 • 0.5µ transistor with 0.35µ interconnect 3
Xilinx - Leading Edge FLASH Technology for CPLDs 1 2 V 1 2 V 5 V 5 V E / E E P R O M F l a s h E E P R O M F l a s h XC9500 FastFLASH X i l i n x X C 7 3 _ _ _ _ L a t t i c e p L S I 1 / 2 _ _ i s p L S I 1 / 2 _ _ p L S I 3 i s p L S I 3 C y p r e s s C Y 7 C 3 F l a s h 3 7 _ _ _ _ ( M a x 5 ) Competitively, here is how the CPLD competitors stack up from a product family versus technology standpoint. Xilinx is the ONLY CPLD supplier with the NEW 5V ISP FLASH technology capability meaning that all present EEPROM suppliers will soon begin to struggle as they ramp up volumes on smaller geometry products with little or no increase in planned EEPROM foundry capacity. This is not the case with FLASH and as a result, Xilinx has laid the foundation better than any competitor for faster, denser, lower cost CPLDs, especially for ISP products. Vantis M a c h 1 / 2 _ _ M a c h 3 / 4 _ _ A M D M a c h 4 3 5 M a c h 5* A l t e r a M a x 5 M a x 7 /S/A _ _ M a x 7 M a x 9 0A * Also available in 3V EEPROM 4
FLASH Process Technology Roadmap .8 5v .6 Feature Size (µ) 5v 5v .4 3.3v Xilinx will move to 0.35µ by 1Q98 for all products, both 5V and 3.3v. Additionally, we have an identical plan and path to lower voltages and geometries as our FPGA products. For the 5v/0.35µ product noted in this slide and previous slides, the transistors are drawn to 0.5µ, with the interconnect dimensions being 0.35µ. .2 2.5v 1.8v 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Year 5