Simplifications under ESF Human Capital OP – Poland – state of play Paweł Chorąży Director Ministry for Regional Development
Assumptions simplification of rules (accounting & claiming) better access to ESF money reduction of paperwork for beneficiaries greater emphasis on the deliverables (outcomes)
General rules – new methods of payment treated like incurred expenditure no obligation to collect or describe invoices obligation to make evidence of outcomes/results quantitative and qualitative verification of delivered services – emphasis on the on the spot checks no possibility to change rules of claiming in the course of implementation no possibility to use new rules for state budgetary units national rules of accunting state expenditures
Standard scales of unit cost – assumptions of MA based on the external, independent expertise services of measurable unit price calculation based on market prices indication of the amount and the scope of the services accounted on the standard scales of unit cost basis differences in service prices (8 big cities vs other territories) consultation principle subject to price indexation (once a year)
Standard scales of unit costs indicated by MA at the ESF website selective approach decision on application made by beneficiary Agreed with beneficiary in the contract and payment claim Payment up to effectively provided goods and services
Standard scales of unit cost - examples training consultancy services vocational training providing childcare or care for other dependants participation in postgraduate studies and Ph.D. studies participation in MST university studies participation in school clasess and extracurricular activities participation in pre-school education activities participation in Social Integration Centres participation in Social Integration Clubs, Work Therapy Workshops, Professional Activity Workshop etc.
Lump sums goods and services of unmeasurable unit prices applied only for small operations (independent local initiatives) up to ~ 12 000 EUR Compulsory for beneficiaries Possibility to pay partially for carried out activities (stages of project) Management costs paid respectively to the substantial outcomes Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - 2019-01-18
Implementation of simplifications Planned to come into force early next year
Thank you for your attention! Ministry of Regional Development Department for EFS Management tel. + 48 22 501 50 04 fax+ 48 22 501 50 31 Thank you for your attention!