And Then There Were None Quiz 5 Vocabulary: Write each word correctly and then give a good definition for it. 1. abhorrent - 2. conjure - 3. farce - 4. heliograph - 5. innocuous - 6. lassitude – 7. menace - 8. solicitude - 9. vindictive - 10. vital -
11. Describe the “scene in a farce” that followed Wargrave’s death. 12. Who found the revolver and where was it found? 13. What do we learn about Vera Claythorne from her thoughts? 14. Which of the guests goes missing and how do they discover this? 15. On the morning of the last day what do the remaining guests attempt to do? 16. How does “a red herring [swallow] one” and what exactly does this mean? 17. “A big bear hugged” which guest and what exactly does this mean? 18. What do Vera and Lombard do with Armstrong’s body and why is this significant? 19. Which guest “got frizzled up” and what exactly does this mean? 20. Which guest “went and hanged himself” and what exactly does this mean? Bonus: In your own words and in one paragraph, describe how the epilogues explain the mystery?