Collection 7 Analyzing Poetry Imagery p. 474 CCRS – W.9-10.4, W.9-10.10, RL.9-10-10, SL.9-10.1, L.9-10.1, L.9-10.2, L.9-10.5, L.9-10.6 Literary Skillls – Understand imagery, Understand sensory imagery, Understand the characteristice of catalog poems
Poetry -- Imagery Image -- A single word or a phrase that appeals to one of our senses Imagery is part of a poet’s style. The time and place in which poets live influence the kind of imagery they use.
Poetry -- Imagery Imagery (p. 480) -- Language that appeals to our senses Sight is the sense many people rely on most, so it is the most common source of imagery in poetry
Poetry -- Imagery Personification – giving human qualities to non-human things
Poetry -- Imagery Catalog Poem (p. 484) – brings together many different images and presents them for your attention. A catalog poem lists images.
Quickwrite (p. 480) Close your eyes and try to visualize something in nature. Describe what you are seeing. You could be describing something as big as the sky or as small as an ant, as soft as a rabbit or as squishy as a swamp. Explain how what you are describing makes you feel. Remember to use words that appeal to as many of your senses as possible.
“A Blessing” (p. 481) Find examples of personification. What is the time of the year? How does the title relate to the poem?
Quickwrite (p. 484) Make a list of the things that you do during an ordinary day. For example, what is the first thing you do in the morning? What is the last thing you do before bed? What do you do throughout the day?
“Woman Work” (p. 484) What are some activities listed by the speaker? How would you describe the life of the speaker?
Activity Expand your notes for the Quickwrite into a catalog poem that lists the things you do every day. Choose images that make your day come alive for the reader. Imitate the structure of the first 14 lines of “Woman Work.” Begin your poem with “I’ve got” and continue your list. Make sure your final sentence puts an end to your day and is clearly the end to your poem. Read p. 477 & p. 486 P. 479 Questions 1-4, 6, 7 P. 488 Questions 6 & 7