Les mots interrogatifs! Words to….interrogate spies!
Les mots interrogatifs Interrogation is to QUESTION someone WHO stole the cookie from the cookie jar? WHERE is Drake? Adèle, WHY are you so very nice?
Therefore……. Les mots interrogatifs are QUESTION WORDS! Words used when questioning someone In English, they are known as the five W’s and a few more. Reporters often use these when asking questions about a situation. Who, What, When, Where,Why, How, How many.. etc
En français….. Who What When Where How Why Quel/quelle/quels/ quelles How many? Qui Quoi/Que Quand Où Comment Pourquoi WHICH (F/m/s/pl) Combien de
What about Qu’est-ce que and Est-ce que? Aren’t they question words? Yes…and no. They are a mixture of questions words. Que and Que. They translate into: Qu’est-ce que What is it? What's that? Est-ce que Is it? Is that?