Achievement Award Evan For great participation at his first time attending the makaton choir - joining in with the signing and singing. Well done Evan! Date: 3rd November 2017
Achievement Award Harry For walking across the width of the swimming pool unsupported and engaging in water games and requesting more. Well done Harry! Date: 3rd November 2017
Achievement Award Steven For trying really hard when dressing and undressing for PE and asking calmly for help when needed. Well done Steven! Date: 3rd November 2017
Achievement Award Daniel For correctly spelling the topic words Tyrannosaurus Rex, igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Well done Daniel! Date: 3rd November 2017
Achievement Award Jack For excellent work in English - recognising and naming which letter is at the start of the names of all of his peers. Well done Jack! Date: 3rd November 2017
Achievement Award Preston For recognising a friend was upset and comforting them and then sharing his favourite snack. Well done Preston! Date: 3rd November 2017
Achievement Award Nicholas For good independent work this week in maths and literacy. Well done Nicholas! Date: 3rd November 2017
Achievement Award Joel For following prepositional instructions well in parachute time. Well done Joel! Date: 3rd November 2017
For learning a new part in Romeo and Juliet. Well done Zephan! Achievement Award Zephan For learning a new part in Romeo and Juliet. Well done Zephan! Date: 3rd November 2017
Achievement Award Andrew For trying something unfamiliar following through with a new task. Well done Andrew! Date: 3rd November 2017
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Jaelyn For making lots of requests using his PECS folder at snack time. Well done Jaelyn! Date: 3rd November 2017
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Shannon For engaging in PECS choice box session - verbally requesting her favoured items and then selecting the correct photo and giving it to an adult. Well done Shannon! Date: 3rd November 2017
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Igor For amazing singing and signing of all of the words during the good morning and days of the week songs. Well done Igor! Date: 3rd November 2017
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Ethan For excellent effort with speech, signing and communicating his needs at horse riding. Well done Ethan! Date: 3rd November 2017