The QEP and Me QEP Update August 16, 2007
1. What is a QEP. 2. What is the topic of our QEP. 3 1. What is a QEP? 2. What is the topic of our QEP? 3. (Fill in the blanks for the title of our QEP) Seeking the ____: Developing ________ Thinkers at _______
Q: Quality E: Enhancement P: Plan
Our QEP Topic: Critical Thinking Our Title: Seeking the Ox: Developing Critical Thinkers at LFCC
How did we get here? Summer, 2006: Topic selection Fall, 2007: Research team meetings, literature review, discussions January 2007: Presentation of definition, purposes, and three broad strategies April 2007: Draft ready for review Summer 2007: Revisions
We demonstrate critical thinking when we… Explain, analyze and synthesize what we see, hear and read Use creativity to discover multiple and diverse approaches to issues Find relevant information to address tasks and problems Evaluate claims and evidence to draw reasonable conclusions Justify conclusions and solutions Apply concepts to real-world problems See connections and patterns both within disciplines and across disciplines Reflect on our own thinking and learning.
Three Broad Strategies Professional Development Curricular Enhancement Activities Outside the Classroom
Coming Events Workshops: Dr. Barry Stein, Tennessee Technical University Full-time Faculty, 8/16, 1:15 Adjunct Faculty, 8/16, 7:30
Coming Events QEP Days Critical Thinking Open House Events Everyone urged to wear the QEP t-shirt QEP themed activities on all campuses Brown bag discussions Critical Thinking Open House Events What kinds of thinking are required for success throughout the college?
Coming Events SACS/COC on-site visit (October) QEP evaluator will be a part of the on-site team Critical Thinking Focus Groups (career and industry) QEP/critical thinking webpage
Coming Events Pilot program: critical thinking assessment at college entry Program development: SDV 100 critical thinking module Course assessment: measuring the critical thinking learning outcome for designated courses
10 Commandments KNOW the CT SLO for your course(s) IDENTIFY and SCHEDULE assignments that support that SLO with practice and feedback ASSESS the critical thinking SLO SHARE experiences, successes, struggles, tips, techniques, questions, and insights with faculty, staff, and administrators.
10 Commandments, continued 5. Wear the QEP t-shirt on designated QEP days 6. Watch for examples of critical thought on campus 7. Participate in a QEP discussion group during the semester 8. Ask: “Am I thinking critically?”
10 Commandments, continued 9. Ask a QEP team member or Ramon Selove to explain the ox pictures. 10. Keep up the good work.
Resources Critical Thinking In Our Classes (sample assignments from LFCC faculty) The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts and Tools (excellent overview of CT with questions) Seeking The Ox: Developing Critical Thinkers at LFCC (QEP – with literature review)
The Ox-Herder Pictures The seeker begins by recognizing that he or she is lacking. Knowing that we don’t know is an important step towards better thinking…
The quest to think more critically is a struggle…
There are obvious benefits when our thinking and knowing WORK for us…
ASK RAMON SELOVE Eventually, a seeker (or thinker, in our case) goes back into the world to share what he has learned and to make a difference.
Questions? If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please forward them to Miriam Moore 868-7173