Toolkits, PLMs, Frameworks, SIMs, and the IQC CCSS Resources for Districts
The full implementation of these standards will occur over several years as a new system of CCSS-aligned curriculum, instruction, and assessment is developed. New tools to support the system are important; professional learning support modules, curriculum frameworks, instructional materials, and assessment tools are all key components. SBE Meeting, Agenda Item 3, November 9, 2011
CISC’s CCSS Toolkit This toolkit is designed as a resource for California County Offices of Education to use in providing training in the California Common Core State Standards to districts and schools. The training is intended for use with the teachers of K-12 English Language Arts and Mathematics with considerations for the content literacy standards in History-Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. The SCCOE will be holding and TOI for district leadership teams this Summer and Fall. The TOI will cover 2-3 days. District will then be able to use the materials with educators in their districts.
Professional Learning Modules PLM Task Force Create Modules for to deepen understanding of CCSS Standards Instructional Strategies Content Knowledge Leadership and Coaching First Modules available September 2012 10 modules complete by September 2013 AB 250 The criteria for the modules shall be based on: CSTPs and The Standards for Professional Learning (Learning Forward, 2011) Modules will focus on CCSS Standards, Instructional strategies All Students (EL, disenfranchised), content knowledge, leadership and coaching CDE is also developing resources that will be available; folks will also be able to access this online and can be used in group and independent settings
ELA Framework Development Math and ELA Framework development is following a similar process and focus group meetings May 31, 2012 California Department of Education, Sacramento* • June 4, 2012 Monterey County Office of Education • June 5, 2012 Contra Costa County Office of Education The math framework is between step 2 and 3 with final application for CFCC due April 18th the math framework is to adored by SBE November 2013. Talk about IQC