Flooding at UQ in Jan 2011 Conference postponed to 2012 Flooding at UQ in Jan 2011 Conference postponed to 2012
Registration Registration officially closed 31 Oct – extended to 3 Nov 2011 late registrations and waitlist from 4 Nov 2011 Approval Bishop and parental approval required for all youth Forms to be printed and filed in the Clerks office Payment Payments from individuals and units based on funding model Groups Accommodation allocated based on age Travel to UQ Arrive at UQ Centre 9 Jan 2012 and check-in 8:30 – 11:30 Dec Nov Jan2012
Communication from the logistical committee A correct address is critical otherwise you will not receive important updates If you need to change your address please the committee with your new address If you arent sure if you have successfully registered check with your ward leaders or the committee Approval form to be signed by a parent and Bishop and filed in Clerks office – legal requirement Payment in full by 30 th November 2011 unless arranged otherwise with the committee Credit card online, Bank Transfer, Donation slip (Sunday)
5 nights (Mon 9 – Sat 14 January 2012) University of Queensland, St. Lucia Campus Approx 1250 youth, ~ 180 YSA Counsellors Registration check-in Monday from 8:30am EFY Session Directors Kendall & Chantal Pitman No other adult leaders, only YSA Counsellors Adult teachers for classes on Tue and Wed Based on BYU EFY program (33 years in operation) International program of EFY is called SMYC
Scriptures Clothes and personal supplies for 5 nights Backpack Toothbrush, toothpaste Hair brush Sunscreen Sunday church dress (shirt, tie, dress pants) Casual clothes (T-shirts, long shorts) Strong shoes with soles (not thongs) Cap and water bottle will be provided but good to bring your own also For the Strength of Youth booklet is the guide
First Aid (general supplies) Medical clinic close by if required Water bottle and cap Accommodation (single rooms) Bed linen, pillow and towels are provided BYO Teddy and special needs items All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) Security at night (contracted firm)
Health Counsellors are contacting the parents of every youth who has registered a health concern or dietary requirement in their registration If you (the parent/youth) have not been contacted by Sun 11 December and feel you should have been – please contact the organising committee via – a member of the health committee will contact you via phone The Health Counsellors will not be supplying or administering any pain relief tablets (paracetamol) If you (the youth) are prone to a headache then please bring along any medication for your own use Any health enquiries please send to the organising committee
Check-in Form Leaders will provide you with the print out Leaders can print from the funds tracking page in the web site if required (regional areas) Bring the form with you on Monday 9 Jan 2012
Luggage drop from 8:15am Car park (enter from Sir William MacGregor Drive) 11 Walk upstairs in to hall Check-in at relevant table 22 Collect materials in hall Through to lecture theatre Group allocation Taken to college/room 8:30am 33 44
Please limit luggage to 2 pieces per youth Please follow all directions from traffic control personnel (leaders and UQ staff) Delays are expected due to the number of youth attending so please be patient, we will endeavour to move traffic through as quickly as possible Parents please remain in your vehicles at ALL times – your youth will be escorted to the luggage check in area by our capable (and very excited) counsellors Parents with youth that require additional assistance will be contacted and provided with an individual drop off plan – please make sure your Bishop is aware of the needs of your youth to ensure we accommodate you in the best way possible Luggage check in from 8:15 am if parents need to come early
Each college will conduct an orientation and explain the health and safety regulations and provide keys Do not lose your key – you will have to pay to replace it Do not use hair straighteners, curling irons or hairdryers in your room It will set off the fire alarms Fire brigade callout fee is $1100 Use in designated areas only (common bathrooms)
Conference duration Mon 9 th – Sat 14 th Jan (finish Sat morning around 8:30am) University of Queensland St. Lucia Campus Payments due by 30 th Nov 2011 unless arranged otherwise with leaders and the committee Organising committee primary contact is Bring check-in form with you on 9 Jan Luggage drop off in car park next to UQ Centre (access via Sir William MacGrefor Drive) from 8:15am Bring scriptures and a backpack Bring church clothes Ensure your is correct in your registration Do not use hairdryer or curling iron in rooms