Visual Definition Synonym Generic Examples: Happy Blissful Full of, abounding in bliss Delighted Highly pleased Ecstatic Subject to or in a state of ecstasy; rapturous Jubilant Showing great joy Elated Very happy or proud Examples: The dad was delighted that his son got all A’s and he was filled with pride. After winning the tournament the team was jubilant and glad the hard work paid off. Delighted, pleased, or glad
Visual Definition Synonym Generic Examples: Friend Colleague An associate Comrade A person who shares in one’s activities Confidant A women to whom secrets are confided Cohort A companion or associate Consort A husband or wife; spouse Examples: I picked up my colleague on my way to work because we worked in the same building. Every girl needs a confidant, someone they can tell everything to. A person attached to another by feelings
Visual Definition Synonym Generic Examples: Excellent Exemplary Worthy of imitation Meritorious Deserving praise; reward; esteem Exquisite Extraordinarily fine or admirable Transcendent Superior or supreme Incomparable Beyond comparison Examples: Gold is exemplary, that is why so many people still like fools gold although it is not the original. The painting was exquisite, but no one expected less from such a skillful artist. Possessing outstanding quality of superior merit
Visual Definition Synonym Generic Examples: Bad Atrocious Shockingly bad or tasteless Erroneous Containing error; mistake; incorrect Inadequate Not adequate of sufficient Defective Having a defect or flaw Fallacious Containing a fallacy; logically unsound Examples: The food supply was inadequate and ran out shortly. Car dealers make defective cars sometimes, when this happens the company recalls the cars. Not good in any manner or degree
Visual Definition Synonym Generic Examples: Author Scribe A person who serves as a professional copyist Biographer A writer of someone's biography Wordsmith An expert in the use of words Composer A person or thing that composes Playwright A writer of plays Examples: Famous people want wordsmiths to write their speeches for them so they sound intelligent. A composer must be consistently thinking of melodies to be able to write songs. The maker of anything