Vocab 2
:having or showing skill, She is adroit at handling problems.
They reached an amicable agreement. :peaceable They reached an amicable agreement.
Averse :having an active feeling of repugnance, dislike, or distaste These limits will be enforced gradually over the next two years, leaving the crowd-averse waiting until 2019 for a little breathing room.
:waging war He was drunk and belligerent.
Benevolent :marked by or disposed to doing good He belonged to several benevolent societies and charitable organizations.
Cursory :rapidly and often superficially performed or produced Even the most cursory look at the organization's records shows problems.
Duplicity :the quality or state of being double or twofold Imagine then the organized mess, the disheveled duplicity, of Kyrie Irving, the Cleveland Cavaliers' point guard
Extol :to praise highly In 1963, a 15-year old who signed his name George R. Martin wrote a fan letter to the Fantastic Four extolling the comic
would it be feasible to build a cabin in so short a time :capable of being done or carried out would it be feasible to build a cabin in so short a time