Hello! Today you need: Your planner open to this week Your reading comp. book + reading log A book to read/annotate
Add These To Your Planner: Tuesday, October 28 (Sports Day): Rough draft of Tradition Information Paragraph due. We’ll be in the library typing final drafts today. Social Sciences Quiz (Periods 3 and 5) Wednesday, October 29 (Alliance Day): Reading comp. book due. Thursday, October 30 (Twins/Multiples Day): Last day to submit late missing/make-up work for 1st qtr. Friday, October 31(HALLOWEEN!): Last day of 1st qtr.
In Your Comp Book… Turn to the next available page that you can write on. Write today’s date on the left side on the first blue line that you can write on. Title it Reading Reflection #7. Add it to your Table of Contents
Reading Reflection #7 Take some time to look through your comp book and then answer the following questions: This quarter, I made progress in….(volume of reading? stamina? metacognition? reflection? making/meeting reading goals? other?) Evidence of this progress can be found….. In the last eight weeks, I have read _____ books. I think this is (above, at, below) standard because…. As I move into the second quarter, I want to push myself in the area of…… By next week, I’d like to make the goal of……. (When finished, tape your reading log on the left side of the entry.)