Creating Bar Diagram
Introduction A Bar Graph (also called Bar Chart) is a graphical display of data using bars of different heights. A Bar graph consists of equally – spaced parallel bars (Horizontal or vertical) whose lengths/ heights are proportional to the number of items given.
Example: The number of uniform sets a few 6th standard kids have with them are given in a table followed by a bar diagram. Students name Anitha Vijay Lokesh Balaji Bhadra No of Uniforms 3 5 4 7 2 NO . Of Uniforms Anitha Vijay Lokesh Balaji Bhadra Students name From the above bar diagram, answer the following Q1 What is the name of the student having maximum number of uniforms? Ans: In the bar diagram, the bar representing Balaji has maximum height 7 ,so Balaji has maximum number of uniform. maximum means most
From the above bar diagram below , answer the following NO . Of Uniforms Anitha Vijay Lokesh Balaji Bhadra Students name Q2. How many students have more than two sets of uniforms? Ans: From the bar diagram , we can see height of the Bar representing Vijay is 5, so vijay has 5 uniforms.
From the above bar diagram below , answer the following NO . Of Uniforms Anitha Vijay Lokesh Balaji Bhadra Students name Q3. How many students have more than two sets of uniforms? Ans: In the bar diagram, the bar representing Bhadra has minimum height 2, so Bhadra has the minimum number of uniforms.
From the above bar diagram below , answer the following NO . Of Uniforms Anitha Vijay Lokesh Balaji Bhadra Students name Q4. How many students have more than two sets of uniforms? Ans: In the bar diagram we can see four bar representing Anitha, Vijay, Lokesh and Balaji whose bar height is more than 2 , So 4 students have more than two sets of uniforms
Try These The bar diagram represents the number of shirts produced in a tailoring unit in 6 days. Answer the following. On which day of the week, maximum number of shirts were produced? How many? What is the number of shirts produced on Tuesday? On which day of the week, were equal number of shirts produced?