Welcome to Our Room Room 7 & Mr. Pegher
The Most Important Question: How do you ask to go to the bathroom? Quietly Hold up Two Fingers
Room 7 Traditions and Expectations Listen to and follow directions given by school employees. Look for the badge.
Room 7 Traditions and Expectations Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Room 7 Traditions and Expectations Call a student only by his or her name. Chewbacca
Room 7 Traditions and Expectations Come to a teacher if someone gets hurt.
Room 7 Traditions and Expectations During “teacher time,” raise your hand and wait to be called on.
Consequences Choose Positive Actions Rewarded with beans, truguts, legos, puzzle pieces Earn prizes for yourself and the class.
Choose Negative Actions Consequences Choose Negative Actions Tokens Removed Cards Pulled
3rd Card = Loss of Privilege 4th Card = Contact Parents Consequences 1st Card = Warning 2nd Card = Time-Out 3rd Card = Loss of Privilege 4th Card = Contact Parents
Consequences Severe Misbehavior Bringing a weapon to school Fighting Verbally threatening any individual Immediate involvement of the Principal and Your Parents.
Expectations You are responsible for choosing what you want to learn! You are in charge of your own education! Follow Me! You will Succeed!
Resources www.starwars.com www.harvestnet.com www.supershadow.com massassi.yavin4.com www.galaxyfaraway.com