First Day of Middle School Today’s Objective: I can understand the classroom rules, expectations and procedures.
Graduated From Texas A&M University 2nd Year at Brabham 5 things about me Graduated From Texas A&M University 2nd Year at Brabham Coach 7th Grade Football & Head 7th and 8th Grade Soccer Coach HUGE Astros & Aggies Fan Sacked Johnny Manziel
WORLD CULTURES Russia and the Eurasian republics North America We will learn about the people, geography, history and societies of the contemporary world. We will break it down to the following regions: Russia and the Eurasian republics North America Central America and the Caribbean South America Southwest Asia-North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia, East Asia Southeast Asia, Australia Pacific realm Europe
Tablets We will use the tablets frequently so treat them with respect If you are caught vandalizing a tablet, you will get an automatic office referral Only school appropriate websites Google Classroom
Rules, Procedures & Expectations 5 Hall Passes per 9 weeks Once you are out, you will not be able to leave class to go to the restroom, get water etc.. You can NOT give one of your passes to someone else If caught you will be subject to a consequence No electronic devices or fidget spinners
Rules, Procedures & Expectations CHAMPS KATS Conversation Help Activity Movement Participation Success Knowledge Attitude Try Your Best Stay on Task
KATS Knowledge: Come to class ready and prepared to learn. Everyone comes to class with their required supplies Everyone immediately starts their warm-up quietly upon entering class. 7 person buffer Attitude: Always have a positive attitude. No negative comments! NO negative comments to or about other students or teachers NO complaining
KATS Try Your Best: Always Try your BEST Give 110% of effort on every activity No laziness Stay on Task: Stay on Task for the entire class No off-task activities or conversations Stay focused from bell to bell
CHAMPS Conversation- Voice level 0-3 Help- Ask your partner then me Activity- As per Coach Schwarz Movement- Stay in your seat unless told otherwise Participation- individual/partner/group work Success- Point
Rewards Candy Sticker 1 extra Hall Pass (up to 3 per 9 weeks) Each class will receive a point for each KATS rule that is followed per day. A class can also receive a point per day for following CHAMPS If a class receives 18 or more points in a week, that class will get a reward of their choice. Candy Sticker 1 extra Hall Pass (up to 3 per 9 weeks) Free Time (still no electronic devices) Pick your own seats for a day Music Day Individual Assignment turns into a group assignment
Consequences 1st offense: Verbal Warning 2nd offense: Phone Call Home 3rd offense: Phone Call Home and 3 days of lunch detention 4th offense: Phone Call Home and 6 days of lunch detention 5th offense: Phone Call Home and an Office Referral 6th offense: Parent-Teacher Conference and an Office Referral
Grading 60% of your total grade will be major grades(Test and Projects) 40% of your total grade will be daily grades (quizzes, homework, daily assignments) Quizzes will count as 2 daily grades For every day an assignment is late, 10 points will be deducted from the final grade After 3 days, a zero will be given for the assignment
Remind You AND your parent need to sign up for Remind as per the Remind handout.
Friday Warm Up 8/18/17 Write down the questions and the answers in your journal. You have 3 minutes after the bell rings to complete the warm up. What are you suppose to do when Coach Schwarz raises his hand and counts down from 5? What are the KATS rules?
Pre-Test Label all 7 continents and 4 oceans to your best ability. Only do side Aggie If you do NOT know it then guess. A wrong answer is better than no answer! Stay Quiet until everyone is finished Spelling does not count Hold on to it. Do not turn it in.
Notebook Time Glue your correct map ( Side Bobkat of your Pre Test) in the first available page of your notebook. Fold the edges so it will fit Raise your hand if you need a glue stick
Rules, Procedures & Expectations CHAMPS KATS Conversation Help Activity Movement Participation Success Knowledge Attitude Try Your Best Stay on Task