Pacific Area Mailing Industry Focus Group Meeting Thursday, October 13, 2016 The Day Includes: USPS/Pacific Area Update From Dean Granholm, Vice President Postal Operations MTAC Update, Tom Hughes, HQ One-on-One Discussion Opportunities with Pacific Area Leadership Including District Managers Networking Passport Center Tour Mail Processing Tour Lunch Provided SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER! Kristin Seaver, Chief Information Officer and Executive Vice President, who leads the Postal Service’s efforts to drive innovation across enterprise analytics, business insights, mail intelligence, engineering systems, information security, and infrastructure and payment technology will share her vision and focus. San Diego, California 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Pacific Area Office - Boardroom 11255 Rancho Carmel Dr., San Diego, CA 92197 To RSVP Please Contact: or Via Phone: 858-674-3173