LITIGATION FUNDING Introduces: DFS Worldwide, LLC LITIGATION FUNDING A New AND GROUNDBREAKING OPPORTUNITY NOT CONSIDERED AN INVESTMENT A legal contract with a law firm Funders can realize extraordinary returns 1
Medical Device And Pharmaceutical Companies Defects that have proven harmful to customers Lawsuits filed and lost by medical companies Settlement accounts already funded, by court order ($ billions) Claimants who have suffered damages collect sizeable amounts from settlement accounts 2
case already settled in court – xyz has lost If you’ve suffered damages by taking MEDEX from XYZ Medical Inc. Contact us at 1-800-123-4567 FUNDS ALREADY IN SETTLEMENT TRUST ACCOUNT AS ORDERED BY THE COURT ($1 billion) case already settled in court – xyz has lost LAW FIRM COLLECTS CLAIMANTS SHARE OF SETTLEMENT claimant collects his/her share of the settlement proceeds from the law firm 3
Litigation funding is acceptable for qualified and non-qualified funds LAW FIRM HAS CONSIDERABLE UP-Front expenses in locating claimants that have suffered damages continual television, radio, newspaper, magazine and more medical examinations, reversionary surgeries 1. Would you give the law firm a pre-determined amount of MONEY if you were given a legal and binding contract to receive back a specified amount of money in a specific time frame? 2. Would you DO IT IF THE LEGAL CONTRACT ALSO GUARANTEED YOUR RETURN OF PRINCIPAL AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO THE FUNDING DATE? Pre-Determined Time Frame Funder Receives Money Funder Pays Up-Front Specified Amount Funder Receives Short Term Contract: $ 5,000 $ 10,000 Within 12 Months Medium Term Contract: $ 7,500 $ 22,500 Within 24 Months Long Term Contract: $ 10,000 $ 40,000 Within 30 Months Litigation funding is acceptable for qualified and non-qualified funds 4
THE DYNAMIC HAS CHANGED LAW FIRM COLLECTS CLAIMANTS SHARE OF SETTLEMENT claimant collects his/her share of the settlement proceeds from the law firm funder collects pre-determined marketing fee from law firm You are encouraged to perform your own due diligence on all aspects of the litigation funding program 5
What is your next step ~ HELMUTH CASTANEDA DFS WORLDWIDE, LLC LITIGATION FUNDING PROGRAM SUMMARY Through a legal and binding contract with the law firm, pay the law firm a specific amount for their up-front marketing expenses and, in exchange, receive either 2, 3 or 4 times your money back, depending upon the funding period you choose. In addition, that same legal and binding contract guarantees your principal back at any time prior to the funding date. What is your next step Simply contact the DFS Worldwide, LLC. representative who gave you this presentation HELMUTH CASTANEDA DFS WORLDWIDE, LLC Telephone: 702.789.1044 E-mail: Website Address: ~ 6
PROVISIONS This presentation is intended for educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment, tax or financial advice, or a recommendation regarding any particular course of action, with regard to the foregoing. DFS Worldwide, LLC. does not offer any advice regarding the nature, potential value or suitability of any particular financial transaction, security or strategy. Prospective funders should consult their advisors in reference to suitability and other financial considerations, including the various legal, tax, financial and other funding issues and risks associated with litigation funding matters. 7