Greek Mythology: Perseus Part I Middle School
ONCE UPON A TIME… King of Argos is warned by an oracle: he would be killed by a son born to his daughter Danae *locks her up in a tower *Zeus gets in (gold) PERSEUS is the result
Upon birth, the king places daughter and son out in the sea *expected them to die *end up on island of Seriphos *is taken in by a kind fisherman
Fisherman Adopts a protective attitude towards Danae and Perseus Male role model Fisherman’s brother (King) wanted to be with mother Perseus says NO! King backs off…
The King Plays It Cool * will allegedly seek the hand another maiden *asks for contribution Turns to Perseus…asks him for his share *says will do anything he can…. Offers to obtain head of Medusa Medusa
The Quest Perseus sets off to obtain Medusa’s head Turns to Athena (had it in for Medusa) Tells him to obtain special equipment *gives him mirrored shield
The three old ladies “the grey ones” advise Perseus *tell him to obtain equipment from nymphs *tell him where to go They shared one eye
Finds them in Hades *swimming in the River Styx The gear: *helmet that made you invisible *winged sandals (protection from sisters) *special pouch (Medusa’s power remains after death) *sickle
The Gaze *goes to Medusa’s dwelling place…finds the Gorgan sleeping *filled with remains of previous visitors *cuts off Medusa’s head *Pegasus (offspring of Medusa and Poseidon) born from bleeding neck *escapes quickly
*starts flying back *Once he was over Ethiopia, he saw something: A beautiful maiden chained to a rock *she is about to be devoured by sea monster
End of Part I