Project 9: Investigating User Benefits and Risks Associated with IoT use REU Student: Joseph Prause Graduate mentors: Arup Ghosh Faculty Mentor(s): Dr. Wisniewski and Dr. Turgut Week 1 (May 23 – May 27, 2016) Accomplishments: Met with Faculty and Graduate mentors, and developed a plan of action for the next 9 weeks. Set-up previous Android project within Android Studios, and had the current project running within an emulator. Read requirements and further understanding the relationship between the functional/technical requirements and the progress made so far on the application. Practiced Programming within an Android environment to understand Design Pattern and layout of the project. Studied FitBit API to understand what features are possible. Issues/problems encountered and solutions (if any): Weight Logs do not accurately display information from the FitBit database. Possibly Related to the Calendar Constants used. Plans for next week: Continue studying FitBit API and create action plan to finish the rest of the user requirements. Create Trello Page to track progress. Complete Literature review with Zaina (Student Volunteer looking to understand how to read research papers). NSF REU Research Experience on Internet of Things 2017