Saul Begins as a persecutor of the New Christian converts But, becomes the most successful Apostle of the faith As Paul – his Roman name – he was a Roman citizen – he wrote nearly half of the New Testament
Peter and Paul in Acts Luke tries to show that Paul has the same authority as the 12 Parallels the ministry of Peter - see text page 460 Both parallel the ministry of Jesus Both taught, healed and raised the dead
Apostle to the Gentiles Galatians 3:28 His mission to the Gentiles angered the Jews who believed that they are the chosen people of God and as such were to be the first in faith
The Law The Law of love has replaced the Old Law The Golden Rule; the Gospel message Does not abolish the Old Law, but clarifies its meaning Romans: 7:15-21 – the repentant sinner, doing wrong even when we want to do right
St. Paul and Justification Romans 8: 1-4, victory over sin Accomplished by Jesus: death resurrection, Ascension He made available to us the grace of God Romans 3:22-26 we all fall short because of sin, it is through God’s grace and faith that we are able to be justified – that is, receive salvation Called Justification by faith