Wygate Park Academy 'Pick and Mix' Homework Year 6 – Autumn Term 2 This 'Pick and Mix' homework is for the whole half term. Red Boxes need to be completed regularly each week. Yellow Boxes must be done at some point during the half term. Challenge yourself to the green box activities. These do not have to be done, but if you want to push yourself, that would be super! Remember – your Home Learning Journal must be returned to school each Wednesday for Mrs Gough to mark. Reading You must read at least 3 times a week at home. Each time ask an adult to write a comment and sign your reading record. Complete by: 14.11.18 Writing Task Write a biography about a famous person from the Victorian era. The Empty Box! You can do anything you like; a presentation on something that interests you; write about something you have done - the choice is yours... Geography Task. Research the British Empire. Create a map showing the British Empire during the Victorian period. Compare to today’s Commonwealth. Maths Task Each week you will be given a short maths task based on what you have been learning/revising during the week. Find out about health and medicine in Victorian times, including the ghastly and deadly diseases like typhoid, smallpox, influenza and cholera. It was pretty grim! Find out about Victorian inventors. Search the web and use non-fiction books to find out about their life and work. Draw a picture to show one of their most famous achievements. Spelling/Phonics Every Friday you will receive spellings to be learnt for a test on the following Friday. These spellings will be in line with the spelling rule we will be learning each week and the Year 5/6 statutory spelling words. Create a typical menu from Victorian times- you could even have a go at cooking it! Remember to take a picture to show everyone. Write a review of a book you have just read. Complete by 28.11.18 Topic Task Find out about life as a child worker in the Victorian period. Write a diary entry from the perspective of one of these children. Compare the lives of children during Victorian times and now. Which would you prefer? Why? Complete by: 12.12.18 Create a fact file/biography about a significant woman from Victorian times. . Find out about famous artists during the Victorian period. Have a go at re-creating one of their masterpieces. Number Facts Practice your multiplication and division facts for the 2 X tables (up to 12 X 2). e.g. 3 X 2 = 6 2 X 3 = 6 6 ÷ 2 = 3 6 ÷ 3 = 2 Please tick and initial the activities your child has completed.