Parkside M.S. Announcements Thursday October 24, 2013 Panther Day
Announcements Specialty Programs at Osbourn Park HS The Biotechnology Center Medical and Healthy Science Informational Night: Wednesday December 4, 2013 At 7:00pm Specialty Program at Brentsville District HS Cambridge Programme Informational Night: Wednesday December 18, 2013 At 7:00pm
Announcements Specialty Program at Battlefield HS Center for Informational Technology Informational Night: Thursday November 14, 2013 At 7:00pm Specialty Program at Stonewall Jackson HS International Baccalaureate Programme Informational Night: Thursday November 14, 2013 At 7:00pm
Announcements Specialty Programs at Patriot HS Advanced Placement Project Lead The Way Informational Night: Monday December 9, 2013 At 7:00pm Specialty Programs at Woodbridge HS Advanced Placement Center for the Fine and Performing Arts – Application due December 13, 2013 Project Lead The Way Informational Night: Thursday November 7, 2013 At 7:00pm
Announcements Specialty Programs at Freedom HS Center for Environmental and Natural Sciences Informational Night: Wednesday October 30, 2013 At 7:00pm Specialty Programs at C.D. Hylton HS Center for International Studies and Languages Television Production Informational Night: Thursday November 15, 2013 At 7:00pm
Announcements Red Ribbon Week We will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week next week. Be on the lookout in the hallways for posters and on the cafeteria announcements for the daily spirit wear themes. Pledge to be Drug Free!
Announcements Parkside Players Want to be a star on stage or a stage technician? Then get ready for auditions for the Parkside Players new musical this year. If you have never auditioned for a show or would like practice your audition, come to one of the audition clinics being offered today or tomorrow. Some of the veteran Parkside Players will be there to help you. See Mrs. Livingston or check the bulletin board outside Room 404 (The Band Room) if you have questions.
Announcements Step Team Try Outs Step Team Tryouts will begin next week on Monday, October 28. We are looking for students with confidence and rhythm who love to make some noise. Any boys and girls that like to perform and want to give stepping a try are encouraged to come. Anyone interested in trying out must have a physical and concussion training on file.
Announcements NJHS Attention ALL NJHS members. Do you want to play a roll in the 50th anniversary of Parkside? Please see Ms. Mattia for details by Thursday, October 24.
Announcements New Workout Gear Attention all students: The PE department has received the new workout gear inventory. You can purchase your workout gear any Wednesday during your PE class.
Announcements Show Choir Show choir rehearsal is Thursday 10/24 from 3:05-4:15pm. All County Chorus All County chorus rehearsal is Thursday 10/24 from 4:15-5:20pm.
Announcements DC United Soccer Game DC United Soccer game is Sunday, October 27th at 1:30pm. Come out with fellow Parkside students and families and enjoy watching a great soccer game. The first 20 Parkside students to purchase discounted tickets will get to walk on the field carrying the large American flag during opening ceremonies! Order forms and money is due no later than Monday, October 21st! Extra DC United ticket order forms and Minute to Win It registration forms may be found in the main office.
Announcements Breast Cancer Awareness Month Show your support by doing the following: Make a $1 donation* and get a pink bracelet! (Donations taken during lunches.) PINK OUT Fridays for the month of October. Wear pink shirts, socks, shoes, show your support! *All money raised will be donated to a local cancer center
Announcements Panthers on the Prowl-Boys & Girls Club Students should report to the library immediately after school. Dismissed with car riders!!! Tuesdays: 6 th and 7 th grade (Kubler P-3, Kubler P-4, Polak P-2) & Thursdays: 8 th grade (Polak P-2, Polak P4&5).
Bus Lane C
Bus Lane B
Bus Lane A