Huddle Up with 1 st Grade Curriculum Night September 13, 2011
About Me
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What does it mean to be a Title I School? Being a Title I school means receiving federal funding (Title I dollars) to supplement the schools existing programs. These dollars are used for… Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these students meet the States challenging content standards Purchasing supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies Conducting parental Involvement meetings/trainings/activities Recruiting/Hiring/Retaining Highly Qualified Teachers Being a Title I school also means parental involvement and parents rights.
Literacy Expectations Reading Writing
Reading Readers Workshop CAFE & Daily 5 Small group instruction Expectations for students and parents Nightly reading with leveled books Record on reading log
Reading Levels Beginning C Middle G End I
Writing Writers Workshop Spelling Stages Thinking Maps Expectations
Stages of Spelling Consonant Represent Words Initial, Middle, & Final Sounds Transitional Phrases Standard Spelling
Writing Samples Stage 3 Stage 4
Writing Samples Stage 5 Stage 6
Math Math Workshop Big Ideas Ideas to help at home Car School
Science Hands – On Science Process & Inquiry Physical Systems Earth Systems Space Systems Life Systems
Social Studies Integrated into LA History Geography Culture Economics Government Citizenship
PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR CHILD IT IS IMPORTANT TO FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES: 1. Students will wear tennis shoes during P.E. (no flip-flop, backless, high platform or slip-one style shoes, boots or crocs will be allowed). 2. Shoes must be tied; tucking in loose laces may cause injury to your child or others. 3. Shorts must be worn under dresses and skirts. Students who do not comply with the dress code will be doing an alternate P.E. activity for that day. **Gym shoes may be stored in back packs or lockers for a quick change. If your child is injured or ill, he/she must have a note (from home) to be excused from P.E. activities. After five days, a doctor's note will be required specifying the length of time he/she will be excused. CITIZENSHIP GRADE EACH SIX WEEKS 0 -1 TIMES SIGNING DISCIPLINE BOOKGRADE E 2 – 3 TIMES SIGNING DISCIPLINE BOOKGRADE S - PARENT NOTIFIED 4 TIMES SIGNING DISCIPLINE BOOKGRADEN – PARENT NOTIFIED 5 TIMES SIGNING DISCIPLINE BOOKGRADEU - PARENT NOTIFIED TEACHER – MS. DANAAIDE – COACH K
Clever Useful Book (aka CUB) MoneyBehavior Calendar Parent Communication Homework
Schedule TimeActivity 7:45School Begins 7:50Morning Meeting 8:00Readers Workshop 9:30Writers Workshop 10:35Recess 11:00Lunch 11:30Word Work 11:55Specials (M, W, F – PE / T – Music / Th – Art) 12:50Math 2:00Science 2:45Dismissal
Homework Reading 20 minutes Math Various skills
Million Word Challenge 20 minutes = 2000 words 10,000 minutes total Record on log in CUB School & Home
Classroom Management Color Coding System Consequences & Rewards
Field Trips Volunteers Permission Slips TransportationClothing
Volunteers In class volunteering Tuesday Teamwork PTA Contacts Kari Mendoza Jamie Woodward
Birthdays Treats Allowed Celebration Guidelines
Other Routines & Procedures Tuesday Folders Signed and returned Important school news Go Green Conserve Paper Transportation Changes Written note to the teacher Phone call to the office Book Orders Sent home in Tuesday Folders Online
Grades Progress Reports Every 3 rd week of each six weeks Report Cards Every six weeks
Parent Conferences One Scheduled Conference September/October As Needed Throughout the Year