Agenda 4/05/17 Warm up #4 Unit 7: Lesson # Pearl Harbor FDR’S Pearl Harbor Speech Exit Slip # 9
Warm up# 4 What causes people to seek revenge? Provide 2 causes… 2. What are some effects of seeking revenge? Provide 2 effects… Sentence Starters: 1. Things that cause people to seek revenge are__________ and _________. 2. Some of the effects of seeking revenge are _______ and _______.
Date: December 7, 1941 Place: Naval base Pearl Harbor Date: December 7, 1941 Place: Naval base FLT I will be able to analyze how the U.S. got involved in WWII with the events leading up to and including Pearl Harbor.
United States role before Pearl Harbor America had an Isolationist policy (Americans did not want to get involved with WWII) What allows America to stay out of the war? US is isolated away from Europe and Asia Strongest Navy in the pacific. Japan wants to be the dominant power in the Asian Pacific
Militarist (people who like war) believed Japan can earn its place in the world only by force and gaining land. Japan wanted respect from Europeans and US Japan focused on building a strong Navy Expanding Empire- Japan needs more land to get more natural resources. Countries China invades: China- Invaded for timber, coal, and food. Korea- already controlled by Japan Axis Powers - Joined Germany , Italy , Japan in 1940 formed an alliance to fight together How does this keep America out of the war? Japan US would have to fight Japan and Germany if US enters World War II
Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941 (Sunday, 7:55 A.M.) Pearl Harbor – home of the U.S. navy in the Pacific Japanese Fleet led by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (Nov. 25, 1941) – Jap. Navy sets out for Hawaii Japan wants a surprise attack Take out the U.S. navy in Pacific while in harbor. Dec. 7, 1941 (Sunday, 7:55 A.M.) Japanese planes attack P.H. and 2,400 sailors killed U.S. declares war on Japan Ger. 2 days later Analyze why the Japanese were successful at Pearl Harbor. HA was so far away, it was thought to be safe
Pearl harbor video Why were the Japanese successful in the Attack on Pearl Harbor?
Sinking of a Battle Ship
Pearl Harbor
Japan Declares War
“A day which will live in infamy” – Pres. Roosevelt
USA Declares War
Video: Pearl Harbor Document Information 3 details about the attack … B. Summary: explain what the movie is trying to say. C. Based on what you saw what is your emotional response. What do you want to do?
America wants pay back
Japanese-American Internment Concentration camps for Jap/Am. In CA (110,000 Jap/Am – 2/3 born in U.S.) Jap/Am were forced to sell homes, business, and farms at a loss. Manzanar- largest camp in CA Civil liberties violated but most Jap/Am stayed loyal to the US. Japanese invasion – feared in CA (why?) Was the US justified in forcing Japanese- Americans to live in internment camps? What other ethnic groups should have been forced into internment camps?
Japanese internment video According to the video why were Japanese Americans interned? What were the curfews ? What happened to Japanese Americans that were in the military?
Primary Source activity Directions: Read and annotate the primary source and answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Be ready to share! The U.S. did not stop the growing threat of Japanese imperialism when Japan invaded China. Was the U.S. at fault for taking no action until after Pearl Harbor? What led President Roosevelt to say that the Japanese deliberately deceived the U.S.? What assurance did President Roosevelt offer Congress that the U.S. would not be defeated? Now that the U.S. has declared war, how do you think Americans will perceive Japanese-Americans? Explain. Due to America entering WWII, how could the life of an average American change? Once America declared war, what might the media or government use as propaganda and why?
Exit Slip # 9 How did the U.S. change its stance from isolationism to full involvement in WWII? Include and explain all significant events that led to this change. Sentence Starters: The U.S. changed its stance from isolationism to full involvement in WWII because______
Letter from General Tanaka Read the small handout and follow these directions Paragraph 1- Underline the countries in paragraph 1 Answer the italicized question Paragraph 2 Underline what Japan does not have enough of Circle Capitalistic Power ($, manufacturing, raw materials) Paragraph 3 Underline sentence 3 Paragraph 4 Underline Manchuria and Mongolia Underline 1st sentence about China Underline the other countries that Japan wants to conquer