Learning Outcomes Learners will… Identify the characteristics of a learning outcome Create learning outcomes
Essential Learning Outcomes Learning outcomes specify what a learner is expected to know, understand, or be able to do upon completion of a course.
Why are ELOs important? Communicate expectations to learners. Serve as a template for course design. Guide the selection/design of assessments. Allow teachers to match teaching strategies to stated outcomes.
Characteristics They specify an action by the learner that is observable. They specify an action by the learner that is measurable. They specify an action that is done by the learner, not the teacher.
Making ELOs effective Difficult to assess Easily assessed The students will understand basic human development theory. The students will appreciate music from other cultures The students will be able to identify and describe the major theories of human development. The students will be able to identify the characteristics of music from other cultures.
Tips in Writing ELOs Focus on overarching or general knowledge, skip trivial details. Focus on knowledge and skills that are central to the content. Create statements that are learner centered. Focus on learning that results from the course rather than describing activities or lessons. Include various ways for learners to demonstrate success- outlining, describing, modeling, etc.
Verbs to avoid Appreciate Know Be aware of Enjoy Realize Perceive
Practice 8.01 Describe the role of key historical figures and evaluate their impact on past and present societies in Africa, Asia, and Australia. 8.01 Describe and evaluate the impact of a historical figure.
Reading Literature- 5th Grade By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas and poetry, at the high end of the grades 4-5 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
Reading Literature- 5th Grade By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas and poetry, at the high end of the grades 4-5 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
Reading Literature-5th Grade ELO Read and comprehend literature independently and proficiently.
Writing- 6-8 Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content. A. Introduce claims about a topic or issue, acknowledge and distinguish the claims from alternate or opposing claims and organize the reasons and evidence logically. B. Support claims with logical reasoning and relevant, accurate data and evidence that demonstrated an understanding of the topic or text, using credible sources. C. Use words, phrases and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claims, counterclaims, reasons and evidence. D. Establish and maintain a formal style. E. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.
Writing- 6-8 Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content. A. Introduce claims about a topic or issue, acknowledge and distinguish the claims from alternate or opposing claims and organize the reasons and evidence logically. B. Support claims with logical reasoning and relevant, accurate data and evidence that demonstrated an understanding of the topic or text, using credible sources. C. Use words, phrases and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claims, counterclaims, reasons and evidence. D. Establish and maintain a formal style. E. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.
Writing 6-8 ELO Write arguments that introduce claims, use data to support the claims, maintain a formal style and use concluding statements to support the arguments.
Practice Groups practice writing ELOs for literacy. Share on posters. Look at progression.