MMAC T71 Ad hoc WG Liaison Report November 2003 Yasuhiko Inoue NTT Yasuhiko Inoue, NTT
Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx November 2003 MMAC Overview MMAC (Multimedia Mobile Access Communication Systems Promotion Council) An organization in the ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses). Activities: Investigation and study on system specifications, Standardization Demonstrative experiment Information exchange and popularization activities, etc Committees High Speed Wireless Access Committee Wireless Home-Link Committee Yasuhiko Inoue, NTT John Doe, His Company
T71 Ad hoc WG Mission: Creation: January 2003 Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx November 2003 T71 Ad hoc WG Mission: Standardization of 5GHz band wireless access system Operations in the 4.9 – 5.0 and 5.030 – 5.091 GHz bands Maintenance of ARIB STD-T71 ARIB STD-T71: IEEE 802.11a compatible WLAN system Creation: January 2003 Chair: Noboru Matsumoto (TEPCO Optical Network) Member companies: Atheros, Canon, Denso, Fujitsu, Hitach Cable, Intel, Japan Telecom, JRC, Mitsubishi, Murata, NEC, NTT, TOYOCOM, Panasonic, Samsung, SpeedNet, TDK, Toshiba, TTNet, and more Yasuhiko Inoue, NTT John Doe, His Company
Activities Jan – March 2003: June 2003: Current Status: November 2003 Activities Jan – March 2003: Standardization of 5GHz band wireless access systems based on ARIB STD-T71. Modification of ARIB STD-T71 June 2003: ARIB Standard Assembly approved the revised version of STD-T71. Current Status: T71 Ad hoc WG has no activities. ARIB STD-T71 ver.2 is available. Compatible with IEEE 802.11j draft D1.0 Yasuhiko Inoue, NTT
Future Plans Revision of the ARIB STD-T71: November 2003 Future Plans Revision of the ARIB STD-T71: Compatibility with the IEEE 802.11j standard is desired by the member companies of T71 Ad hoc WG. Yasuhiko Inoue, NTT