Group 1: Alkali Metals Chapter 7


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Presentation transcript:

Group 1: Alkali Metals Chapter 7 Section 2 Grouping the Elements Group 1: Alkali Metals atoms will often take, give, or share electrons with other atoms to have a complete set of electrons in outer level REACTIVE-Elements whose atoms undergo give/take/share processes

Group 1: Alkali Metals, continued Chapter 7 Section 2 Grouping the Elements Group 1: Alkali Metals, continued Alkali metals are elements in Group most reactive metals atoms easily give away the one electron in the outer level of their atoms. so reactive that in nature they are found only combined with other elements

Chapter 7 The Periodic Table

Group 2: Alkaline-Earth Metals Chapter 7 Section 2 Grouping the Elements Group 2: Alkaline-Earth Metals Alkaline-earth metals are elements in Group 2. less reactive than alkali metals have two electrons in their outer level.

Groups 3-12: Transition Metals Chapter 7 Section 2 Grouping the Elements Groups 3-12: Transition Metals Elements of Groups 3-12 are called transition metals. less reactive than alkali metals and alkaline- earth metals. 1 or 2 electrons in the outer level properties of the transition metals vary. lanthanides and actinides make up two rows of transition metals placed at the bottom of the table to save space.

Group 13: Boron Group Chapter 7 Section 2 Grouping the Elements Group 13: Boron Group 3 electrons in the outer level of their atoms. reactive. contains one metalloid and five metals. Aluminum is the most common element in Group 13.

Group 14: Carbon Group Chapter 7 Section 2 Grouping the Elements Group 14: Carbon Group 4 electrons in the outer level of their atoms. reactivity varies. contains metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. Diamond and soot are both natural forms of the nonmetal carbon.

Group 15: Nitrogen Group Chapter 7 Section 2 Grouping the Elements Group 15: Nitrogen Group 5 electrons in the outer level of their atoms. reactivity varies. contains metals, nonmetals, and metalloids.

Group 16: Oxygen Group Chapter 7 Section 2 Grouping the Elements Group 16: Oxygen Group The elements in Group 16 have 6 electrons in the outer level of their atoms. These elements are reactive. Group 16 contains metals, nonmetals, and metalloids.

Group 17: Halogens Chapter 7 Section 2 Grouping the Elements Group 17: Halogens 7 electrons in the outer level of their atoms. very reactive because their atoms need to gain only one electron to have a complete outer level. All halogens are nonmetals.

Chapter 7 The Periodic Table

Group 18: Noble Gases Chapter 7 Section 2 Grouping the Elements Group 18: Noble Gases The elements in Group 18 are called noble gases. Atoms of noble gases have a full set of electrons in their outer level. Noble gases are unreactive. These elements were first called inert gases. All noble gases are nonmetals.

Chapter 7 Section 2 Grouping the Elements Hydrogen The properties of hydrogen do not match the properties of any single group, so hydrogen is set apart in the table. Hydrogen has one electron in the outer level of its atoms. Hydrogen is reactive. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe.

Locating ELEMENTS on the table You will be making and trading an “element card” On an index card, write clues that would lead someone to your element EX “Ni + 3 protons” 2nd alkali metal from the bottom Noble gas that superman can be around