Reading Class 2016/2017
Expectations By the end of the year, read and comprehend both fiction and non-fiction text with various complexity
Classroom Rules 1- Follow teacher instructions the first time. 2- Be in class before the bell rings. 3- Bring all required materials to class (binder, agenda, books, pens, pencils, etc.). 4- Raise hand and wait to be called on before talking. 5. Complete and turn in all classwork/homework in a time manner. 6. Follow the teacher(s) and school rules for the use of technology. 7. Remain seated unless you have permission.
Entering the Classroom Walk quietly into the classroom and go directly to your seat. Copy homework and being warm up/activating strategy. 4th period class will have daily agenda check. If you need to sharpen your pencil or require the teachers’ assistance, please raise your hand quietly (or use signal that was taught) and wait patiently.
Tardy Procedures You are expected to be in the class, seated and beginning to work before the bell rings. If you have a pass, enter quietly and give one of the teachers your pass. If you do not have a tardy pass, you are late and it is considered an infraction. Tardy Consequences: Follow school discipline plan
Classroom Work While you work, stay in your seat unless permission is given to be up. Do not disturb others: talking, touching, throwing things or any other disturbance. Be respectful and listen to others while they are speaking. If you would like to make an appropriate comment, raise your hands. Follow all classroom rules at all times. Follow all school rules at all times.
Class Discussions The classroom should be a place where students feel free to share their thoughts or ask questions during a discussion. All discussions are to be school appropriate. Be respectful. No name calling or calling a question or answer “stupid.” Do not make fun of another student’s answer.
Make-Up Work Work is due in accordance to the school make up work policy.
Make-Up Work Absent Check my website or see me for any miss assignments. If handouts were give, ask me for a copy. If you have any questions about the missed assignments, either speak to me during down time or email me at You have the days you were absent + 1 to complete the missed assignments.
Grading Scale A: 100-90 B: 89-80 C: 79-71 D: 70 F: Below 70
Positive Consequences No homework pass Seat swap and chat (last 5 minutes of class) Positive notes in agenda or call Lunch with a friend pass Items in the Mystery Motivator (will talk about in another slide)
Negative Consequences 1- Contact home (agenda or call) 2- Silent Lunch 3- Before or after school detention 4- Isolation 5- Lost of time during a fun activity (10 mins) 6- Full removal of activity/lesson with makeup session during connections or before school
Mystery Motivator Games Green Marble/Blue Marble Fill in the Blank Erase Letters Time Challenge Sure I Will Ball Toss Egg Timer Mystery Hero
Other Positive Consequences Talk time at the end of class No homework tonight Music during work time Skip half the homework Automatic 100% on any assignment Work with a partner instead of alone Choose your seat Positive Parental Contact
8 Keys of Excellence Live in INTEGRITY Acknowledge FAILURE Conduct yourself in the state of authenticity, sincerity and wholeness that results when your values and behavior are aligned. Acknowledge FAILURE LEADS TO SUCCESS Understand that failures simply provide us with the information we need to learn so we can succeed.
8 Keys of Excellence Live in the now THIS IS IT! SPEAK WITH GOOD PURPOSE Develop the skill of speaking in a positive sense with good intent, being responsible for honest and direct communication. Live in the now THIS IS IT! Develop the ability to focus your attention on the present moment. Each moment, each task counts.
Affirm your COMMITMENT 8 Keys of Excellence Affirm your COMMITMENT Follow your vision without wavering: stay true to the course. Do whatever it takes to get the job done. Take OWNERSHIP Be accountable and responsible. Be someone who can be counted upon, Someone who responds.
8 Keys of Excellence Stay FLEXIBLE Keep Your BALANCE Maintain the ability to change what you are doing to get the outcome you desire. Keep Your BALANCE Maintain you mind, body and spirit in Alignment. Balance self, work, and family.