Ask yourself a question…. How often do you GIVE UP?
A promise to do or not do something What is Commitment? Some definitions….. A promise to do or not do something Binding yourself to a course of action
Lets write this…. In our notebook! Commitment- An agreement or pledge to do something in the future.
What if something gets in the way of your commitment? Commitment is action. What if something gets in the way of your commitment? Put your head underwater and keep it there for a while. You’ll soon realize that you’re 100% committed to breathing. Notice that you don’t make excuses not to breathe. Notice that you don’t worry about motivating yourself to breathe. Notice that you don’t need to justify your desire to breathe. You just breathe. Commitment is action. No excuses. No debate. No lengthy analysis. No whining about how hard it is. No worrying about what others might think. No cowardly delays. Just go. What if something gets in the way of your commitment? What would you do if someone tried to prevent you from breathing?
Top 1o Reasons to Stay in School 1. More choices! A high school diploma is your first step toward choosing your own future. 2. More opportunity! The more degrees you have – from high-school to college and beyond – the more opportunity you’ll have. 3. More friends! School is where your friends are and where the fun is. Find friends who share your interests.
Top 1o Reasons to Stay in School 4. More money! On average, people with high school diplomas earn about $9,200 more per year than dropouts. Over a 30-year career, that's $276,000 more! 5. More fun! School isn’t just about, well…school. There are lots of opportunities to take part in sports, clubs and other activities. 6. More time! Dropouts often have to get more than one job to make ends meet. Who has time for that?
Top 1o Reasons to Stay in School 7. More to see and do! Dropping out is a good way to get stuck where you are – for life. If you want to get out and see the world, get a high school diploma. 8. Less trouble! Staying in school helps you stay out of trouble. Dropouts have a higher risk of getting pregnant or in trouble with the law. 9. Less work! It’s true. Staying in school is the best way to avoid low-paying jobs that involve hard manual labor. 10. A better future! High school dropouts are more likely than graduates to be unemployed, in poor health, living in poverty, on public assistance, and single parents with dropouts of their own. You can do better
Still not sure you want to commit? Take a look at these stats!
High school dropouts have a life span that is nine years shorter than people who graduate. Dropouts are more likely to face poverty, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Typically high school dropouts earn $19,000 a year. High school graduates earn $28,000. Nationally, 68 percent of state prison inmates are dropouts.
Over a lifetime, high school dropouts make about $1 million less A high school dropout earns nearly $10,000 less a year than someone with a diploma. That adds up. Over a lifetime, high school dropouts make about $1 million less than high school grads.
Are you ready to make the commitment? WRITE DOWN THREE PEOPLE WHO CAN HELP YOU ALONG THE WAY TO ACHIEVE YOUR BEST! NOW, IT’s Time to make the pledge