Building a talent strategy from your company’s strategic plan Employment Resource Group, Inc.
ERG Talent Strategies Video
Why Strategic Planning? • Company establishes must/have – can’t fail goals for the year and possibly next 3-5 years. • Aligns organizations on where to focus time, energy, resources and talent. • Establishes agreement and accountability around intended outcomes and/or results. • Allows organizations to assess and adjust the organization’s direction in response to changing economic or market conditions. • Ensures that employees and stakeholders are working toward common goals.
Strategy is set, now what? As human capital leaders, it is our role to constantly have a pulse on the stakeholders within the organization: Potential turnover High Performers – keeping them challenged to deliver results High Potential – leadership development to grow Performance plans (the “good” turnover) Succession planning for transfer of institutional knowledge
Stakeholder analysis
Current Stakeholder Analysis Done each year during performance reviews Employees lead performance reviews so you understand their goals and desire within their career. During talent planning you can match desires with company strategy. Supervisors assess for culture fit.
Employee lead Performance Reviews Do you want to have input and impact in your personal career? Everyone does! Suggested questions: What was your most significant learning this year? What do you believe was your greatest achievement(s)? What areas would you like to improve upon? What are your career goals (next year, 3-5 years, ultimate goal)? What competencies/training will you require to assist with your career goals? What can I do to help?
Supervisor input - Performance Reviews Supervisor independently reflects on these same questions. He does not share input until the employee has reviewed first. What was your most significant learning this year? What do you believe was your greatest achievement(s)? What areas would you like to improve upon? What are your career goals (next year, 3-5 years, ultimate goal)? What competencies/training will you require to assist with your career goals? What can I do to help? Component is added where the Supervisor evaluates the employee based on your Shared Values – Culture fit.
Career Pathing Supervisor Questionnaire
Employee Development Plan
Career-pathing form Career-Pathing PERSONAL INFORMATION METRICS Current Performance + Potential + Self Awareness + Leadership = Score 14-17: High Performance / High Potential 9-13: Potential 1-8: Low Potential Career-Pathing PERSONAL INFORMATION METRICS Leadership Score Employee Information DiSC Assessment 2015 Development Plan Succession Plan Current Performance TOTAL (4/4) Potential TOTAL (5/5) Self Awareness Score Leadership TOTAL (3/3) Decisive Interactive Stabilizing Cautious Top 3 Goals Next Position Ultimate Positon Energy/Drive for Achievement Teamwork/Engagement Mental Toughness Emotional Maturity Curiosity Insight Engagement Determination Execution Significant Learnings Greatest Achievement Areas of Improvement Career Goals Compentencies Needed Strategic Perspective Passion for the Company Accountability NAME AGE TITLE SALARY D I S C Goal #1 Goal #2 Goal #3 O SR CR NOI E 1 2 3 4 5 R1 M R2 Career-pathing form
Turnover Risks / Anticipate Retirements Stakeholder Analysis Must do / Can't Do Fail Goals Owner Team Potential Gaps Turnover Risks / Anticipate Retirements Hires
Next Steps in your Talent Plan Plan out hiring for the year. Makes you aware so you may take advantage of opportunity hires. Succession planning can begin because you have a clear line of sight on who needs to begin the transfer of knowledge. Align career-paths with retirements. Three year timeframe. Leadership development can begin. High performers and high potential are the targets. Give you the opportunity to review each stakeholder and each team to ensure they are functioning to hit the must do/can’t fail goals.
Innovation Summits Culture alignment and work performance determine high potential and high performing employees. ERG conducts off-site Innovation Summits built around employee alignment with strategy, critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Questions? 3100 North Ballard Road Appleton, WI 54911 [p] 920.996.9700 • [f] 920.996.9701 [e]