13.d: Chemosynthesis
TODAY’S TARGET: I can define chemosynthesis using target vocabulary. 13. Primary Production
TODAY’S TARGET: I can define chemosynthesis using target vocabulary. 13. Primary Production
TODAY’S TARGET: I can identify chemosynthetic organisms using target vocabulary and the ecosystems the live in. 13. Primary Production
WATCH: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/edu/learning/player/lesson05.html TODAY’S TARGET: I can explain how chemosynthesis relates to primary productivity using target vocabulary. WATCH: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/edu/learning/player/lesson05.html PRACTICE: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/edu/learning/player/lesson05/l5la1.htm http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/edu/learning/player/lesson05.html EXIT TICKET: Marine scientists were stunned to find complex ecosystems based on chemosynthesis flourishing around deep-sea hydrothermal vents. This discovery also caught the attention of space scientists, giving them renewed hope that they might find life elsewhere in the solar system. Explain why chemosynthesis may be more likely to support life on distant worlds than photosynthesis. 13. Primary Production