Call of the Wild Lesson 9
Let’s read the first 4 paragraphs of chapter 2 aloud. Start at: “Buck's first day on the Yea beach was like a nightmare.” Stop at: “Spitz ran out his tongue and laughed again…” primordial, adj: existing from the beginning of time, very ancient savage, n: ones who are wild, untamed or not domesticated Curly is brutally attacked by wild wolves. Once she is down on the ground, they all pounce upon her and tear her to pieces until Francois swings an axe to rid the wolves from the dogs. Curly is killed, which helps demonstrate the “primordial” and “savage” nature of the wild. It’s kill or be killed.
Turn & Talk Students should note that “the law of club and fang” refers to how things operate in the wild. There are no rules as in civilized behavior; instead, it’s kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, obey the man with the club or be beaten. Buck is learning the way of the wild, which is dramatically different from his previous life with the judge.
With partners Let’s read paragraphs 5-14 of chapter 2 aloud. Start at: “Before he had recovered from the shock…” Stop at: “As courier for the Canadian Government…” With partners
Independent Practice
Objective(s) L10
Read the rest of chapter 2 aloud, starting at paragraph 15. Start at: “Three more huskies were added…” #1-2
Independent Practice Provide evidence to support your claim and have parenthetical citation – always assume to do this even though directions may not state to do so.
Objective(s) L11
Let’s read paragraphs 7-11 of Chapter 3 aloud. Reread the first sentence. What words describe Buck’s head and shoulders? What is the impact of these words? Let’s read paragraphs 7-11 of Chapter 3 aloud. Start at: “Francois was surprised, too…” End at: “What you think, eh, Perrault?” How are Dave and Sol-leks described? What are they doing despite this description? How is Joe described? What is the impact of comparing him to a demon? Why? What sensory details are in the following line: “Once his teeth closed on the fore leg of a husky, and he crunched down through the bone.” What is the impact of this line?
Describe how Buck and the dogs look at the end of this paragraph Describe how Buck and the dogs look at the end of this paragraph. What words or phrases helped you describe them? What is the impact of that description on you as a reader? What do these descriptions highlight about the Wild? About Buck’s continued transformation? Reread the first sentence. What words describe Buck’s head and shoulders? What is the impact of these words? How are Dave and Sol-leks described? What are they doing despite this description? How is Joe described? What is the impact of comparing him to a demon? Why? Buck’s “head and shoulders were ripped and slashed.” “Dave and Sol-leks, dripping blood from a score of wounds…” “Joe was snapping like a demon. Once his teeth closed on the fore leg of a husky, and he crunched down through the bone.” This has figurative language (simile) and sensory details. “...breaking its neck with a quick flash of teeth and a jerk.” “sprayed with blood… warm taste of it in his mouth…” Students should share that the tone is serious and detached, and the mood or feeling created is chaotic, a wild sort of free for all of kill or be killed that helps readers understand the brutal nature of the wild. What sensory details are in the following line: “Once his teeth closed on the fore leg of a husky, and he crunched down through the bone.” What is the impact of this line?
Let’s read paragraphs 7-11 of Chapter 3 aloud. Start at: “The courier shook his head dubiously” End at: “Sure, I know.”