Research Project Overview Taking a Stand Research Project Overview
Questions Which side should be taken on a controversial social issue? Which social issues are important? Is it worth having an opinion if it can’t be defended? What should opinions on issues be based on? How can the glut of opinionated voices be sorted through to find the truth?
Research Project Purpose Test the soundness of opinions on an issue. Determine the basis for the opinion. Investigate issue. Find major views on issue to get a balanced (unbiased) view. Assert your view on the issue. Choose evidence wisely to support your opinion (argue successfully -- not persuade).
Where do you stand? Basic idea. Not completely sure until research begins. Will evolve over time. Can be: Yes No It depends on… (qualify).
Step 1: Question Identify and list questions to explore. Use 5W’s and an H. New questions will pop up during research. Some questions may remain unanswered.
Step 2: Plan Develop a strategy to find pertinent information quickly/efficiently. Search for books at school and/or public libraries. Search Internet effectively.
Step 3: Gather Locate and write down information which helps answer key questions. Use the correct format for source and note cards. Accuracy counts!
Step 4: Sort and Sift Rearrange note cards. Look for patterns in your research. Group note cards by like topics.
Step 5: Synthesize Make sense of your note card piles. Create a preliminary outline: Helps you organize your thoughts. Shows you what you have. Updates teacher on progress. Easy reference (instead of flipping through cards).
Step 6: Evaluate Ask: Re-focuses the second half of research. Am I missing anything? Have I answered all of my key questions? Have new questions come up that I need to find information about? Do I have any weak spots? Re-focuses the second half of research. Makes you more efficient.
Step 7: Synthesize Part 2 Create a final outline. Pieces should be coming together. Time to contact teacher for “go ahead.” Review sources: Make sure correct format used. Make sure sources are from experts. Make sure they are unbiased.
Communication Imperative that you communicate challenges early on in the process. Each step builds on the next! Each step is important!