Agenda point 7 Discussion on funding opportunities


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda point 7 Discussion on funding opportunities Meeting on the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive Agenda point 7 Discussion on funding opportunities 1

Achieving the objectives of the INSPIRE Directive, Discussion on funding opportunities Main challenges: Achieving the objectives of the INSPIRE Directive, Such as easy accessibility of data, data-sharing, access to the public, human resources, capacities, IT Infrastructure development, Identification of funds to cover the burden arising from EU legal obligations.

LIFE: governance and information priorities There are number of available funds at EU level The new LIFE Regulation (2014-2020) Regulation EU/1293/2013 of two sub-programmes: • LIFE sub-programme for Environment, including as priorities areas environment and resource efficiency, nature and biodiversity, and governance and information • LIFE sub-programme for Climate Action, including as priorities areas adaptation, mitigation and governance and information • Budget: €3,456.7 million (€2,592.5 m for ENV, €864.2 m For Climate) More information:

LIFE: governance and information priorities Sub-programme for Environment Thematic Priorities inter alia for funding (defined in Annex III): • Thematic Priorities for Water, including the marine environment; • Thematic Priorities for Environment and Health, including chemicals and noise; • Thematic Priorities for Air Quality and Emissions, including the urban environment; • Thematic Priorities for Information and Governance • To be translated into project topics for funding in the Multiannual work programme

LIFE: governance and information priorities Project examples funded by LIFE: Scotland’s Environment Web 3.5 year programme launched in November 2011 Supported by EU LIFE Funding (2.35 million Euros) Move to a web based, dynamic approach to accessing and presenting information and data from multiple sources, in one place Providing access to the most up-to-date environmental information and data published Nearly 300 INSPIRE Directive spatial data sets are now viewable on the Scotland’s Environment Web Map View, with new functionality including 4 different baselayer map options including aerial photography and a geolocator that picks up the users GPS location to search for localised spatial data view.

Digital Single Market Other examples of funds accessible: Funding under the Digital Single Market Strategy will also be available, a key priority for the Juncker Commission, Communication and SWD published in 2015 identifying key priority areas In particular relation to INSPIRE via eGovernment and interoperability topics Website to be followed:

ISA PROGRAMME ISA programme – Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations Objectives include making administrative procedures more efficient and effective, Electronic collaboration between Public administrations can make these procedures quicker, simpler and cheaper for all parties concerned, in particular when transactions need to be done cross-border and/or cross-sector. Via the ISA programme the EC facilitates such transactions through more than 40 actions with a budget of some EUR 160 million. More information at:

Structural Funds and Horizon 2020 Structural Funds, technical assistance Horizon 2020 calls – environmental and ICT priority areas Eg: Pan European Networks of practitioners and other actors in the field of security (open, deadline: August 2016) Link: More information available at: