Dutch National Implementation- Strategy for eDelivery Xander van der Linde ICTU Ministry of Economic Affairs November 29th 2016 - Brussels
A national generic eDelivery gateway to EU-MS’s ? CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
Onset: e-SENS Continuation of LSP’s – consolidation of BB’s Various e-SENS pilots with Dutch partners Nationally collected in a group The collection of partners gradually grew into a collective CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
“The Hague Agreement” eDelivery in different pilots (eProcurement, e-CODEX, eConfirmation) using the same Target Architecture April 2014 Agreement upon Target Architecture for transport/e-Delivery e-SENS principles in piloting Definitions & Eligibility for e-Delivery piloting Piloting of the Target Architecture BBs: Business decisions for infrastructure migration will be taken by domain business communities outside e-SENS (e.g in CEF). CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
“Coalition of the willing” High-level Steering group of e-SENS nationally Chair: Constantijn van Oranje - inspire the group to take reasonability beyond their direct tasks for the benefit of society CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
Stimulated a broad proposal on a CEF call Ministry of Economic Affair facilitated the proposal Starting a eDelivery Pilot as a Proof of Concept Partners in different domains: eProcurement, Education & Business CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
Dutch Gateway eDelivery Aiming at developing a national Gateway eDelivery as a national access point towards eDelivery access-point of CEF To become part of NL generic infrastructure of digital government CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
23+ domain-architectures Water Health & Care Education Living & working abroad Governance Jobs & career Taxes Finance Safety Justice Economy & business Traffic and transport Youth & family Culture, sport & leisure Defense Immigration & integration Housing & environment 23+ domain-architectures CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
Demand versus Supply – dilemma’s Create a reusable solution as an offer to organisations in government, thus hopefully creating & pooling demand. Start from concrete use cases, but often not so mature or a different working solution is in place.. CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
Parallel communication in cross-domain groups User-counsel National Governmental Reference Architecture NORA Directing Board Interconnectivity of National Commissioner for Digital Government Q’s: What could be demand-side business cases for eDelivery? Which cross-border services are in place? What existing international infrastructures & connections are used in domains? What functions do they offer? CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
5 ‘layers’ or views laws and regulations organization information applications networks CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
Functions and services Some observations A lot of information is on technical solution level or organisation Difficult to figure out what governmental services are exchanged between European partners and their functional needs Potential (business cases) for and considerations in domains remain often quite diffuse Often other aspects need to be arranged cross-border for success within use cases. F.i. vocabularies of services and of organisations CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
Awareness of different contexts that interfere Development of platform on European level Development of gateway on national level Preparation of use case on European level Implementation of use case in NL Sustainability and long term strategy on European level Sustainability and long term strategy on national level CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
Now starting with the cross-domain project Current plan to design, develop and implement a Gateway eDelivery as a generic service, connected to NL national infrastructure for digital government Will start beginning 2017 Pooling resources & knowledge and let domains learn from others Five financing departments Responsible policymaker: Ministry of Economic Affairs Execution by ICTU, Logius & RINIS Use cases are key for successful development CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
Gateway eDelivery as a generic service Proof of the pudding will be in the eating Happy to learn lessons from other member states And to get in contact with other MS for connecting services & use cases in domains CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
Some topics of our interest today: Connecting with initiatives in MS’s implementing eDelivery in their cross-border services Relations between EC initiatives, like: CEF eDelivery – BRIS CEF eDelivery - EESSI CEF eDelivery – eIDAS/ERDS CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels
Contact info Xander van der Linde - xander.linde@ictu.nl It’s all about transparent processes & trust ! CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day November 29th 2016 - Brussels